This is s true story. It is long, but I need to be thorough. As - TopicsExpress


This is s true story. It is long, but I need to be thorough. As an inspector, I park my truck wherever I need to on a jobsite. On the wrong side of the road, in the middle of the street, on sidewalks and on medians just to name a few. Sort of like where most women do. I also keep my keys on the floorboard and all the contractors know they can move it if they need to. I was on a big project yesterday and needed to look at two specific street corners. The street corners were about 150 apart. I parked on the main street about in the middle of the two corners which were actually side streets off of the main street. I was by myself because the contractor had completed most of the work here. I parked between the two side streets and walked down to the side street and did my measuring and took pictures. I then walked up to the next side street. Of course I walked right by my truck. I was doing my measuring etc, when I saw one of the foremen and what I assumed was another worker. The foreman walked down to me, and the other person got in my truck and drove off. I assumed it was on the way but I could not figure why because there wasnt any work going on. The foreman and I talked for a few minutes and as we were separating, I asked him where did his worker park my truck. He looked at me kinda strange and didnt answer. I walked up to the blind corner and expected to see my truck. It was no where in site. I walked several hundred feet to where the crews were working. I asked them if they had seen my truck. They all said no and then I realized my truck had been stolen. All of the workers, about 30 guys stopped what they were doing and frantically started looking for my truck. Every one of them were angry and began a search. I was worried that if they found the thief they would have beat the stuffing out of him. I called 911 and told them my story. They transferred me to another person. I told him my story and as I already knew, he told me I was in the jurisdiction of Lomitas sub station. And, he couldnt transfer me. Here I am in the middle of this big project, no pen or paper with all these workers asking me all kinds of questions and telling me how they were going to find my truck.etc. The 911 dispatcher is giving me the phone number I need to call and I have no way of writing it down. By this time, the superintendent drove up to me and told me he was going to go looking for my truck. I am now calling city hall to have them call the sheriffs for me. 30 seconds later the superintendent drove back to me and told me my truck was parked on the main street where I had parked it originally. I walked to the area and there was my truck. Parked where I had parked it earlier. I asked the foreman where did his guy take it. He told me he has been alone all morning and that the guy next to him that I had seen had just came out of his house, got in HIS truck and drove off. I then realized what I had done. Some of you have probably already figured it out. Remember when I said I parked in the middle of the two streets? Well, I had walked right past my truck and when I started taking to the foreman, I forgot my truck was behind me and not up hill from me. The other guy got in his white truck and drove off. My truck was never moved. Of course, all the workers came up to me throughout the day and made little remarks about has anyone else stolen my truck today, and my truck is probably in Mexico by now and one guy said Rocky, you should have sold me your truck when you had the chance. I was too relieved to be embarrassed. And that is my story. I really think my sweetie in Heaven is setting next to God and they are rolling on the floor, err clouds laughing at me. I think this was my sweeties anniversary present to me because I didnt buy 42 roses. That is my story. I am now ready for all the cute and funny things all of you are going too say.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:59:41 +0000

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