This is second of the emails I sent out addressing the Colorado - TopicsExpress


This is second of the emails I sent out addressing the Colorado State Office Of the Public Defender for out Right retaliation and extreme corruption... PLEASE READ COMMENT LIKE AND SHARE Greetings, In the Following Emails you will find attached screen shots of my communications with several organizations including Colorado Office of the State Public Defender, the Greeley / Weld County office of the state public defender, the chairman of the commission over the state public defender and several others as you will see. Due to the point blank refusal to provide ethical competent representation by the weld county office of the state public defender and the outright refusal by either the state office to respond to my written complaint per their own rules and the refusal by the chairman of the commission that is charged to oversee that office to address the outright abandonment of me and refusal to ensure my constitutional rights. They Refuse to act in my interest and only serve to farther the agenda of the corporate agriculture and the establishment in weld county. The total destruction of Natural Family Farmers. Those behind this attack have even gone so far as to try and assassinate me and when that did not work they charged me with a series of crimes and enlisted the help of the Greeley Office Of the Colorado State Public Defender to ensure that I was not permitted to call witnesses, to present evidence in my defense, nor to actively participate in my own defense. An outright bought and paid for frame up. The Colorado Office of the State Public Defender by and through his agents, attorneys and staff have made it very apparent that unless you have money and are part of the establishment - you do not deserve what this country entitles every citizen competent - conflict free representation. Weld County and the State of Colorado are engaging in the open act of religious persecution, political persecution, socioeconomic persecution and outright violations of ones civil and constitutional rights under the color of law. When you challenge the Colorado State Office Of the State Public Defender and make them actually work they retaliate and attack you. In Colorado there is no equal protection under the law for those that cannot afford to pay for justice. The Colorado Office of the State public Defender simply ensures that the attack on the poor in the justice system status quo continues. The Colorado Justice System in the manor that it is being operated is nothing more than an tax on the poor who cannot afford to hire their own justice. Liberty and Justice for all does not exist in Colorado at this time as I have researched and documented more than just my story of being persecuted and deprived justice for my economic, religious, disabilities, and political views. I have a outstanding complaint against Douglas K Wilson since 2012, every other county involved in this fight the State Office Of the Public Defender did conflict off my cases and I was appointed The Alternate Defense Counsel. Kevin Strobel Refused to conflict off my case, even with outstanding and pending investigations against Douglas K Wilson, his boss. It appears that Kevin Strobel did willingly and intentionally desire to sabotage my case against me and did personally allow for a witness that prejudiced the Jury against me at a hearing that Kevin Strobel did represent me. He refused any and all input by myself the accused, violating my right to actively participate in my own defense. His actions ultimately led to my being denied the right to call witnesses in my defense. Incidentally I won every other case against me involving the Alternate Defense Counsel. The Complaints against Douglas K Wilson are a direct result of his pattern and direction of his organization forcing accused persons to take a plea bargain, amounting to his office engaging in Collusion. Denying persons the right to a trial by jury and openly strong arming them to take a deal. In Colorado 86% of the cases are plea bargained and most of those are by the public defender office. Persons who stand up to the tyranny of Mr Wilson and his associates are met with open retaliation, additional charges to stack the deck, and as I was told you will go to jail if you dont take a deal. (incidentally I won that case in Adams County and did not do jail time after I fought it with an alternate defense counsel.) Clearly, Mr Wilson has NO Accountability and NO regard for the rights of the citizens. Currently there are outstanding complaints against the following attorneys involved with Kevin Strobel and his bought and paid for corruption. This is a man who stood in an office and called me a liar about the active witness intimidation. He stated that no one else had complained about it and yet two people had been to his office the previous day to file complaints, and one of them was sitting to my left at the table when he walked in and made that statement. In addition the other person who was menace for being a witness for me was sitting to my right when he said this. Kevin Strobel did represent me in the hearing where as a child that was 5yrs old strapped in a car seat was used by the prosecution to influence the Jury through clearly coaxed testimony. The Complaint Number against him with the Colorado Supreme Court Office Of attorney Regulation is 14-2760, and the investigation attorney is Louis Smith. Yet he still believes he has the right to continue to use his office to assist with framing me and denying me my right to conflict free competent counsel. The First attorney he had assisting him with the attack against me by the very attorneys that were charged with representing me was Stephanie Cotton. The Complaint with the Colorado Supreme Court office of Attorney Regulation is # 14-2762. Again her case is being investigated by Louis Smith, of the Colorado Supreme Court Office Of Attorney Regulation. It is in regards to her actions that did deny me the right to present evidence in my defense, and the right to call witnesses. Her Actions did deny me the right to participate in my own defense, and the right to due process. She Nemours times did deny me the ability to participate in my own defense. A right granted under the United States Bill Of Rights. She also Refused my repeated requests for an Alternate Defense Counsel due to the Conflicts with her office. Next I had an private attorney named Gary Fielder. He met with me once and told me that he could not do anything to reverse all of the stuff that the public Defenders office had done. Including the actions to prevent me from submitting evidence and calling witnesses in my defense. His hands were tied due to the open and willful maleficence of the Greeley Office Of the Colorado State Office Of the State Public Defender, and its leader Kevin Strobel. When I took the stand in my Trial I even brought up the fact that I was not allowed to submit evidence (including my medical records amounting to $180,000 + to date), the fact that I was not allowed to call witnesses, and even bring the container of Glass from my head to court the day of trial. After the verdict, at some point he resigned as my attorney. So then I was sent back to the Greeley Office Of the State Public Defender. Who by this time had moved into their shinny new office that was ADA compliant. At this time I was appointed Samantha Grover, Complaint #14-2761 with Ms. Louis Smith as the investigating her as well. For violating attorney client privilege in facilitating the witness intimidation that was propagated by her and the Weld County Sherriffs Office. As well as Ethical violations, and denying me the right to participate in my defense. Many of my witnesses that had written letters did not want them turned in after it became common knowledge that she did permit the Sherriffs Office to engage in harassment and that source of the information as to who and what was supporting me was coming from the support letters she was given. In addition she made in writing a commitment to provide me a copy of the appeal prior to the sentencing date and did not. As a Direct Result of her not having the appeal filed I was taken into custody, and my physical and medical needs were neglected in order to cause me cruel and unusually punishment. Ms. Grover did also deny me the right to call several witnesses at the sentencing as was my constitutional right. She even has outright lied to me and stated that she was going to file legal documents on a certain day and did not, her replacement attorney had to file a week later. Again due to her offices vendetta against me I have been denied any involvement in my appeal, and was prevented from participating in my sentencing. And now we are here with the current attorney Ms. Molly Talbert Complaint # 14-2763, with Louis Smith as the Investigating Attorney, from the Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation. Due to her outright refusal to act in my best interest, her refusal to allow me to participate in my appeal, and total disregard for my wellbeing at the hands of the very people who have done this to me all along. Both her and Samantha Grover have NO regard for the fact that I was legitimately hospitalized due to the previous cruel and unusual punishment via denial of medical care while held in the Weld County Jail. Because I was in the Hospital for the previous incarceration and could not attend the following hearing the Judge Issued a Warrant with a NO BOND HOLD against me for seeking medical treatment for my physical conditions that were massively compounded by the actions and inactions of Samantha, Molly, and their direct supervisor Kevin Strobel. They have no regard for my existing medical issues the majority of them caused by the very accident that I was charged with in this case, and denied any ability to present a defense whatsoever by the intentionally malicious actions of their office. Samantha even made the comment that my medical is not her problem. But when in fact her direct actions led to my kidney shutting down and massive Pancreatitis/ other digestive issues, by misrepresenting the Appeal and whether or not she had it filed. I still am dealing with bloody diarrhea and unimaginable pain that wont quit. I even went so far as to reach out to the chairman of the commission over the Colorado State Public Defenders Office and try to seek some resolution and accountability. To know avail, they seem to be of the mind set that the rights of the citizens in the State of Colorado Mean Nothing, that political, religious, and disability persecution is perfectly acceptable. If they can do this to even one citizen in Colorado, they Can do it to any Citizen Anywhere... I believe these injustices need to stop - right here - right now... Incidentally the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender has still adamantly Refused to withdraw from my case and have a Alternate Defense counsel Appointed. I fully anticipate additional retaliation and attacks by the court and the public defenders ( the very people that are suppose to represent me) for my writing this letter and releasing it to the public. I am not ashamed to speak the truth - I still believe in the ideals that this great country was founded on. One of them being Free Speech. I have nothing to hide, as I did nothing wrong in these matters but simply speak out against corruption and dirty politics, including the judge and his open disdain for me and my religious and political views. Even going so far as to say that my case is not political - yet if you follow the money it clearly is and always has been. The Only thing Left for this judge to take in this case is my life, and at this point I would rather die on my terms than from my physical condition in the Weld County Jail for lack of medical Care. I know that my stance has made me a walking dead man that they will pursue till the ends of the earth as they have clearly shown, but I will not be silent for justice and truth in the face of corruption and persecution. So in closing I would Like to Ask that each of you reach out to any and all of your direct elected officials, and the officials behind Weld County Colorado and let them know that You believe the time to over haul of the Colorado State Office Of the Public Defender and that the United States Attorney Generals Office needs to investigate and bring up on charges the persons responsible for perpetrating these acts against the people of the State Of Colorado. Please copy us on as many letters and email as possible as we can use that as additional proof that people really are paying attention. PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THIS STORY TO HELP BRING AWARENESS TO THIS CORRUPTION. Thank you Ethan The Farmer
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:13:21 +0000

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