This is shocking, how can we as British people allow this to - TopicsExpress


This is shocking, how can we as British people allow this to happen in our country. It turns out this is a protest against British police arresting the wife of a terrorist who set off a bomb, who killed and injured innocent people. What a disgrace. Its about time the people of Britain regained control of this country, I would suggest a protest outside the Houses of Parliament, Downing Street or even our border control against Muslims, but lets face it, that would be racism and we would be in the wrong. It seems that Muslims are able to wander the earth take up settlement wherever they like and then dictate to that country what they can and cannot do. Dont get me wrong it is extremists that cause the trouble within our society, we all know that, but Muslims dont help us trust them when they behave like this. They are taking over, its happening right in front of our eyes, they cause trouble in their countries, we send our troops to help regain control leaving our own land wide open to attack
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:23:02 +0000

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