This is so beyond any idea of America I grew up with. That America - TopicsExpress


This is so beyond any idea of America I grew up with. That America was about expanding voting rights, because a healthy democracy needs active participation. I never, ever, thought Id see Jim Crow again in even GOP dominated states. It just never crossed my mind that any American political party would actively undertake massive efforts to keep people from the polls. This is todays GOP. Fertilized under Nixon, birthed under Reagan, twisted by the fact that since Reagan left office, Democrats have held the White House for sixteen years to their 12. And Americans had the audacity to elect a bi-racial Democrat - twice. This stuff is as sickening as it gets, people. And even if you are conservative and a Republican, if you live in these Jim Crow states, it will affect some of you, too. And where does it end? When did we become do afraid of everything as a nation? We used to stand tall and proud, knowing that our country could withstand anything. You showed your ID when you registered to vote, and then at the polls, you check in, you vote, you check out. We understood that majority rules and that even sometimes, our quirky electoral system means that may not happen, but we accept the results with no sour grapes and we move on. We didnt sabotage even a President we didnt like because the good of the nation came first. The disgusting display of what has become the Republican Party is destroying what little bit of pride in our system we still had. Lock, stock, and barrel, theyd rather shut down government than work with an electorally and popularly elected President. Back in 2008 they decided that their agenda was to make sure he didnt get a second term, which obviously failed, and to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. This is a crowd of government haters - people who latched onto the Reaganisms of how government is bad. So now we are about to elect a GOP dominated House and Senate that primarily hates government. What do you think you are going to get? Would you hire a plumber who hates plumbing? Or a doctor who hates medicine? The GOP is largely funded and supported by Koch money, and as I posted earlier, their agenda is all about dismantling government as we know it. They claim their agenda is jobs - but what jobs? We have been swallowing their line of cutting taxes on the wealthy and tax breaks for corporations and that will create all these jobs. And after 34 years of this - where are the jobs? Ill tell you where they are - Taiwan, China, Mexico,etc. Where is the money going? To the top. NOTHING trickled down. It was a massive fraud that is still swallowed by too many Americans lock, stock, and barrel. Im tired of politicians of both parties touting their business acumen and how that means they know how to govern. Baloney. What it takes to be a CEO is very different from what it takes to govern. CEOs often answer to stockholders who could not care less about the rank and file who actually make the money for them. CEOs will lay people off to fatten the bottom line without compunction. Governing means having compassion as well, and a desire to leave things better than you got them. Where is that in the GOP today? Can anyone argue we are much better because it just got much harder for the poor, the elderly and veterans to vote in some states? Are the hundreds of thousands of people in GOP led states without health insurance better because their government hating tea party governors refused multi-millions in federal subsidies? The callousness of these pompous, out of touch, clueless, Ive-got-mine-tough-for-you politicians is beyond any kind of excuse or reasoning. So get ready folks, its going to be an even more hellish 2 years until the next presidential election with the Party of No, the Party of Greed, The Party of the Oligarchy, the Party of Koch in control of both houses. Obama will be busy with his veto, and he may be the last line of defense against GOP plans to dismantle your government. Yes, the government that represents the people that our veterans fought and died for, and now in too many states, may not even be able to participate in by voting.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:25:32 +0000

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