This is so distressing to me. Ive been following John Dehlin for a - TopicsExpress


This is so distressing to me. Ive been following John Dehlin for a while now, and he was, and continues to be, a pivotal part in my whole faith transition, along with Dan Wotherspoon at Mormon Matters. Its hard to believe that the church could hear what he is saying, full of love towards ALL people, and put him up to a disciplinary council for excommunication. I know that typing here wont change anything in regards to his status in the church, but I hope that I might be able to help one or two people see the beauty of the LDS church, through its faults. Although regional leaders may see fit to oust supporters or non-traditional believers from the ranks of membership, the leaders of the church are moving in the right direction. Numerous quotes from Gordon B Hinckley come to mind in which he says things like, bring with you all that you have of good and truth which you have received from whatever source (Buddhism, secular ideals, Judaism, and mainstream Christianity come to mind, although there are many others), and come and let us see if we may add to it. Or President Uchtdorfs Come Join With Us talk in October 2013 Conference, which implored all people to, Come join with us, also stating that, ... [T]here is room for you. I hope with all my heart that one day, we will be able to see past each others differences, mistakes, and shortcomings, and worship together, loving and sustaining each other IN our disagreements, so that we can let them build us up to one cohesive, complicated whole. Until then, I guess Ill just keep on loving and hoping that others do the same. Lots of love from your friend, -Justin P.S. Thanks for reading the entire thing, its pretty long. :P Golden star for your forehead! :P Now go out and do something like telling your friends that you love them! :D
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 00:55:02 +0000

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