This is so good it must be given its own genre: How about - TopicsExpress


This is so good it must be given its own genre: How about Metaphysical Science Fiction? These stories are built on the framework of STAR TREK. But Zak has used his formidable fictional prowess to make us go on a top secret mission beyond even the expanded perimeters of Gene Roddenberrys optimistic and spiritually expanded vision. Gene was the one to write The Menagerie or The Cage and Where no man has Gone Before (the second pilot) about ESP and telepathy. But Zak has done what a novelist must do and he added his own expanded Omniverse (my new favorite Jackism) that goes beyond this physical universe into the Psychic realms. What this creative monster brother o mine has accomplished here is beyond Science Fiction; it is beyond Supernatural thrillers and horror movies and such like-this is Spiritual Fiction. It is what i tried to do in my THE SILENT ONE series (co-created by Zak) including book eight: THE VOYAGE Om BY JAM AND ZAK MANDALA The Voyage Om https://facebook/.../The-Voyage.../285644034943813) . We created a world of wonders that is magical-like Tolkien-full of fantasy characters; but it is unique because our stories go far into the mystical dimensions of probable realities and psychically generated Aquarian Astral Realms! Our magic is mystical magic. Writers who do not write for commercial success but out of a deep concern for wisdom and justice; write because they are compelled to express and offer to the world their own visions and their creation of a world of thought; rendered in the mindscape reality of the novel; to express the sublime and suggest the solutions that can overcome even the ignorance of our worlds mythic retardation. Zak has taken us to the threshold of eternity so he can express his Aquarian wisdom, his love of STAR TREK; history, anthropology, psychology, spirituality, and the crafting of spiritual techno-speak (awesome and fun to decipher) with his own brand of prose poetry. To those who say he is too much I say you have been spoon fed the common oatmeal that passes for literature but clings to tired Hemingway realistic and sparse depictions of violence and narcissistic glories of a bay gone era. Zak is a futurist painting masterpieces on Gene Roddenberrys awesome sketches. It is an honor and an enlightenment to read these great stories! Zak loves to keep us on the threshold...while the Romulans and the Klingons blast away at poor Jam Mandala all alone out there in his battered Starship The Excalibur (GREAT NAME!) but i suspect we will find our way in and onward-eventually-after many snafus and nick-of-time rescues; and teasers and Zaks own brand of metaphysical mystery; to AQUARIUS EDEN and find some way to give those deadly War like Romulans and Klingons and whatevers a blast of pentaparticle, Quinn-Space, Pax Galaxtica, Metawave, Give Peace a Chance mindwave; Tao Space PEACE and LOVE generating living loving light energy to save Jam Mandalas metawave ass before it is just a quick silent flash of anti-matter glow in the emptiness...
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:42:49 +0000

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