This is so great! From time to time I have a little epiphany and - TopicsExpress


This is so great! From time to time I have a little epiphany and I like to share them with my team. Here is a little thought for the day: “Patience is always the answer” ~ Colin Weinhardt, July 6th 2013 As I was trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep, my children were playing games on their IPods. Colin (9) – was teaching Logan (4) how to win at Plants vs. Zombies. (We can discuss the parenting decision of letting a 4 year old play this game to gain extra sleep at a later point in time.) Logan plays games and often gets frustrated when he isn’t as good at them as his brother. Colin hearing Logan’s frustration decided to chime in and help. He began telling him which plants to plant, where to put them, collect the suns, etc. Then Logan began to work at it on his own – Colin told him ‘no’, don’t do that yet, wait, wait, wait, wait… Logan didn’t wait. He just started planting wily nily, ignoring Colin. At this point Colin tosses out ‘Logan, patience is always the answer’. Wow! That was a pretty profound statement for a 9 year old. Since Logan ignored Colin & rushed – he lost that round against the Zombies. His brains were eaten. In my near dream state, I still took note of what he said. It applies to a lot of things in life, not just Plants vs. Zombies. It’s pretty funny to me that Colin has a lot of patience – since I am one of the least patient people I know (Logan may be worse than me, but he’s 4…). It’s also fantastic to think that my 9 year old has a life lesson to teach me. As you go through your day to day life, at home & at work. Where does this lesson apply to you? When I joined the email team a few months ago – I thought, wow! I have so many things I can change, fix, and do. I wanted to do them all, right then & there. I have since been side tracked by other bright shiny objects, but I still have a list of things that we as a team need to explore. However, I need to be patient and realize I (we) can’t change everything overnight. Good things are worth the wait though, right? Rushing is not the answer. When we rush to make things happen – it’s like the Plants vs. Zombies game – your brain gets eaten. Well, not quite, but almost. If we think about campaigns – if we don’t follow our process and begin rushing steps, mistakes happen. Those mistakes compile and start spreading, because we aren’t focused on the end goal – we’re in a hurry to put out the next fire – stop the next zombie in line vs. having a strategy to deal with the final wave – then we ultimately lose the game. Instead, if we were patient – developed a strategy and followed it, we would be successful. So, I suggest this for you today – look at your life and determine where my son’s lesson applies. According to him ‘Patience is always the answer’. Do you agree?
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:10:24 +0000

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