This is so in my head today. Screaming at me to yell this to the - TopicsExpress


This is so in my head today. Screaming at me to yell this to the world!!! 1. Atheists --- do not believe in Yahweh (Creator) and think the scriptures are bull. So, if its some story told by a man along time ago and doesnt mean crap, then I guess its OK for anyone to come to your house and take whats not yours or take your life. The ten commandments are pointless. And dont give me... Follow the golden rule crap either because then somebody made that up too! If there is no Creator and no rules to live by, then the world and all the people in it live in a free for all world. We can do anything we want to ourselves or to each other! Lawlessness prevails! There is no right or wrong! 2. Christians --- reject the OT as having any relevance for us today because its Old School. The things written long ago were for the Jews and not for us. All that stuff back then was changed when their Jesus died on the cross. It doesnt matter now. They got Grace! Just what does that mean? Its OK to break the ten commandments as long as you ask for forgiveness afterward? How many people stop and think about their behavior before they do it in regards to whether their potential action will be doing something they know is wrong. I seriously know of people who actually live their life doing things they know are wrong but do it anyway because their covered by the blood.... SO THEY BELIEVE! The soul who sins is the one who will die.... Oh, wait!!! Thats OT! Not relevant anymore... 3. Israel -- OT Story that isnt relevant anymore.... All Done Away With! / The Jews right!!! WRONG!!!!! The twelve tribes....! Twelve brothers who are the sons of Jacob. A man who wrestled with the Creator and in turn was given the name ISRAEL by the Creator because he overcame. His twelve sons being the beginning promise of his nation. / The lost tribes Yahshua came back for in the NT /Matthew Ch. 10 and 15. / The Holy Spiritual Nation in NT is Israel not Christian. / End Times Prophecy - Twelve Tribes of Israel --- Israel ruling with Yahshua. (Christians mix their worship with defiled, unclean traditions and set aside a day established by men who proclaim themselves as god on earth.) Yahshua came to find his lost people and turn them away from the pagan worshiping and celebrations his forefathers got involved in. Why do you think these people were destroyed and the Israelite Kingdom torn in half? Why do you think Israel was allowed to be taken into captivity. Why do you think death or captivity or protection is prophesied for us today... Rev. 13: 9-10 (…9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints.) THE TWELVE TRIBES: Who they are today... Reuben ... the first born who lost his birthright because he defiled his fathers bed. (the French) / Gen 49:4 Unstable as water. Simeon ... Genesis 49: 5-7 / symbol is sword, castle = military strength = the Trojans. Levi ... Genesis 49: 5-7 / Symbol is sword, castle = military strength - chest plate made of stones / jewels - Rabbis explain that the breastplate of the high priest is called in Scripture (breastplate of judgment) Judah ... Gen 49: 8 -12 / (the Jews... sons Perez: King David and Yashua) and Zerah (Northern Ireland) / Symbol is the sceptre, a lion, 3 lions (Judah and England in Royalty) Zebulon ... Gen 49: 13 / Symbol is the ship / Dutch, Holland Issachar ... Gen 49: 14-15 / Symbol Donkey / Finland Dan --- Gen 49: 16 - 18 / Symbol Judge / Eagle / Serpent / White horse. / Irish, Danish, Denmark - everywhere the tribe of Dan went, they named that place after themselves. (Danube River, Dardanelles, etc.) Gad --- Gen 49:19 / Swiss Asher ... Gen 49:20 / the cup you serve to the King / Belgium Naphtali ... Gen 49:21 / Symbol is a deer let loose / Northern India (Naphtalites mixed with N. India people, mixed with people in Norway, Sweden and China. Joseph: Ephraim and Manasseh given the name of Israel by their Grandfather Jacob. They make the Twelve tribes into 13. Ephraim --- (Great Britain...Brits or Britian = Covenant Man or Man of the Covenant. Hebrew for Covenant is Beriyth. Judges 8:33 and (:4 = Baal Berith means Ball of the Covenant. / Union Jack symbol same with Scotland symbol, Australia and Spain ( the X called A LOV = Unicorn and the + called the TAV = Lion) / John Bull = England / Harp = Ireland / Lion standing up = Scotland / 3 lions = Royal Line / Unicorn = prophecy --- chained in captivity - lost tribes of Israel) / The earliest settlers in Wales & Southern England were the Simonii - descendants of Simeon. The Union Flag, or Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is so called because it combines the crosses of the three countries united under one Sovereign - the kingdoms of England and Wales, of Scotland and of Ireland (although since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom). Manasseh --- (USA... 13 Colonies / /star of David above the eagles head. / The star in the cloud = scripture of Yahwehs protection over his people. / Arrows = Prepared in War or in Peace / the Eagle holds the power of war symbolized by the bundle of 13 arrows... (tribes of Israel) / Olive Branch is a symbol of peace.) Benjamin ... Gen 49: 27 (the Wolf, Scandinavians / Vikings) If you choose to follow the lies taught by Christian teachers that the OT has no use for you today, then you put yourself in danger of not knowing your biblical heritage. This is our past too. We are descendants of Israel. There are those who do not want you to know the truth. They cant scam you with the truth! Get into your genealogy.... gain wisdom and understanding of who you are! Why would our Creator punish a christian nation who believes in him? Because you have been taught to believe that paganism and spiritual worship are one in the same. THEY AR NOT!!! You can not mix clean and unclean together....! Yahweh can make an unclean person clean who walks away from the lies of this world and cleans himself with spiritual truths of who Yahweh is and what he truly commands for us to do in worshiping him. You cannot continue to knowingly live a lie because it is a tradition you have been taught, knowing that tradition is mixed with the very pagan and idol symbols and worship that he destroyed others for involving themselves in. America... why are you going to be punished... because you are doing the same thing!!!! Your worship is unclean, your food is unclean, your hearts are unclean, your mind is unclean... TOUCH NO UNCLEAN THING AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU (ISAIAH 52:11, 2 Cor 6:17)... Yahweh is not calling a Holy Christian Nation, he is calling a Holy Israelite Nation. That Nation must not have anything do to with anything Yahweh has said an Israelite is not to be involved in. So, come out of Egypt.... and partake not of her sins!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:47:23 +0000

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