This is so interesting. While I am not Catholic I am a born again - TopicsExpress


This is so interesting. While I am not Catholic I am a born again Christian and I find the views of Pope Francis refreshing. Recently, during his regular weekly address at St. Peters Square in the Vatican, Pope Francis declared that all animals do indeed, go to heaven. He made this statement while trying to comfort a boy who was upset about the death of his dog. This is a personal belief of mine as well and is a comfort for many others also, who have ever mourned the loss of a beloved pet. But as far as the Catholic Church is concerned, it is still a major point of controversy. In early history there was no question that dogs had souls and would be allowed into heaven but since the rise of Christianity the belief that dogs would not make it to heaven has become the norm. The article has many interesting points, and its well worth the read. And while the issue of whether animals have souls is still debatable I cant help but smile at the statement Pope Francis made when he said one day we will see our animals again in the eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all Gods creatures. All I can say is, AMEN! psychologytoday/blog/canine-corner/201412/pope-francis-says-all-dogs-go-heaven
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:41:00 +0000

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