This is so sad. Even though this video was a while ago; it still - TopicsExpress


This is so sad. Even though this video was a while ago; it still continues to happen. Reliable rescues are invaluable!!!. High Five to Parrothelp for the recent intersession they were involved in. We need these people and for the public that isnt on the front line; this type of work takes a huge toll on the rescues in the area of volunteers emotions, energy, financial cost and just the huge empathy these rescues have and dont give up even though they have though job it would be easier for them to give up; but they continue because of the severe need all over. They all have hearts of Gold!!! I would like to specifically mention Laura Lewis Wendylou, , and others I am unaware of. Its been a rough couple weeks for them but we need them. The birds NEED them. Thank you to everyone who give of their heart, time and finances to help these birds that are totally helpless to help them selves. a huge sincere THANKS GOES OUT TO THE AVIAN BUSINESSES WHO HAVE DONATED SUPPLIES and others who have donated cash to parrothelp for the 18 birds surrendered to parrothelp last week. Many people may not be aware of the fact that since we have removed these majestic creatures from their wild homes; they have no idea to handle life in the wild. These birds have the parents teach them about being a wild bird for sometimes up to a couple years after birth. Not only is our climate not native to them; they dont have the skills to feed themselves in the wild let alone be safe from predators or the weather. PLEASE dont EVER just throw an unwanted parrot (cockatiels and parakeets are parrots) outside and think he will make it on his own. HE WONT!!! I cant forget Michael Cox and Global Nest Exotic Bird Sanctuary. Michaels work is also priceless. Michael opens his home to severely abused parrots and gives them a HAPPY FOREVER HOME Another avian rescue in the Minneapolis Area is Parrot Adoption and Education Services. Renee Quimby runs this avian rescue. I will stake my reputation on the authenticity of these rescues. I believe all the rescues I mentioned have a Facebook Page and/or website where you can check them out and see exactly what they do. I believe they are all 501c3 non profit corporations and as a result; any donations to them are tax deductible. If you own or work at a company that is looking for tax deductions; this would be the perfect place to forward funds or supplies and get a tax write off for your company. Sorry for the long post; but my part of the mission is to get the word out to as many people as possible and educate the public about not just the majesty of these creatures but also the awful plight that has been brought upon them by no fault of their own. If anyone has any questions; I can be reached at [email protected] or contact one of the rescues listed above. Please consider opening your eyes and heart to the plight of these creatures that have the intelligence of a 5 year old child. My favorite comment I respond with when people insist they want a parrot is; Are you ready to completely care for all the mental, physical and social needs of a toddler for the next 80 years Toddlers grow up and turn 18 and move out of the house; a parrot NEEDS your care for 50 - 100 years depending on species. Really you guys; until you have held one of these birds and look into their eyes and see the soul behind them you will NEVER again say; its just a bird. These creatures are so close to human its scary. If anyone has any questions, we are ALL here to answer your questions. DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE BRINGING A PARROT INTO YOUR HOME!! Not all parrots will work with all people or households. If you contact a knowledgeable avian assistant; they can help you find the right match; if there is one.....maybe you may just need a quiet goldfish.......... Juli Sands The Pet Nannies of Minnesota; A Parrot Experience events.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 01:15:20 +0000

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