This is something everyone needs to read So, Id like to - TopicsExpress


This is something everyone needs to read So, Id like to add my two cents from a practicing Christians perspective about the Creationism vs Evolutionism debate. Firstly, for those of you who doubt the word of God, the bible, because it was written by man, please hypothetically imagine that God does exist. If that hypothesis is true and He is real and is God then it is reasonable to believe that He is omnipotent and omniscient (All-powerful and all-knowing). Therefore, under that belief, one should be able to understand that if God wanted or didnt want something to be in the bible, it would be so. Under that assumption, 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (NIV) The original word from the original transcript was θεόπνευστος, ον, or theopneustos, which literally means God-breathed, or inspired by God. Therefore if you believe in God, you can believe that everything the bible says is true and applicable to todays age. Similarly, if you believe that the bible is correct, then you can believe there is a God. Likewise saying that the bible is not the true word of God and that everything inside it isnt exactly what He wanted it to be or applicable to todays age, there is no point in believing in God. And obviously if you dont believe in God, there is no reason to believe or follow anything the bible says. Consequently, thinking that one could compromise between the two theories is not a possibility for one who believes that everything in the bible is the true word of God. In fact, it is a direct contradiction to do so. If, and I understand it is a big if, the word of God is absolute then any deviance would be utterly wrong. Something that is truly factual is that we all have the same evidence available to discern our independent theories from. It is how you interpret that evidence that leads to those theories. What some of you may not know is that the same evidence that the theory of evolutionism claims to own, actually supports creationism as well! I ask you to please check out the website for how the evidence is interpreted by creationists and why we perceive that the evolutionists interpret it incorrectly. There are many debates answered for the creationist there that I would love to write here but I havent the time and if youre like me, you dont have the attention span. Evolutionism is no more a science than it is a religion and Creationism is no more a religion than it is a science. One must have as much faith in Evolutionism as I do in Creationism, if not more. Because they were never witnessed (or because there is no “proof” that the testimony of the bible is true), neither Creationism nor Evolutionism can be taken as fact and both will remain theories until someone invents time travel or after death when we all stand together the final judgment day. To those of you who protest that Carbon-dating disproves the bible I highly recommend that you check out where the science of creationism is shown to be a clear possibility through the use of carbon dating. Theories should not be taken as fact, and if you are aware of the core of the scientific method, you would know that one can not prove something to be true, but merely disprove something that it is false. To those of you who claim to be Christians, but who compromised on the truth of Gods word: Mark Riddles from Answers in Genesis depicts that “when a scientist’s interpretation of data does not match the clear meaning of the text in the Bible, we should never reinterpret the Bible. God knows just what He meant to say, and His understanding of science is infallible, whereas ours is fallible. So we should never think it necessary to modify His Word. Genesis 1 defines the days of creation to be literal days (a number with the word “day” always means a normal day in the Old Testament, and the phrase “evening and morning” further defines the days as literal days)” (Check for his reasoning) Yes he is a man and man is fallible, but the word of God is not and what he says reflects the word of God. To the true Evolutionists I invite you to check out for Big-bang articles and the support for creationism. I recommend the video by Dr. Jason Lisle explaining why both theories together are an impossibility. I wont make the argument on the laws of thermodynamics because I dont truly understand both sides of the debate and dont wish to speak ignorantly on this matter. However, I am not ignorant of the Law of Biogenesis which states that all life must come from preexisting life. This contradicts the clearly disproved Spontaneous Generation hypothesis, yet it is readily accepted when it is a part of the theory of evolution. Scientists have attempted and failed to recreate the experiment of “a lightning bolt hitting a pool of pre-biotic components” and creating a perfectly working cell. This experiment has been attempted by many people, the most well known being the Miller-Urey experiment, but none have successfully created life. Perfection is another subject entirely. Joshua Feuerstein made an excellent point in his video “Dear Mr. Athiest,” that if I told you a tornado blew through a junkyard and at the end of its path a shiny, red, perfectly working Lamborghini rolled out of the destruction, you would call me crazy and immediately dismiss what I was saying and probably admit me to a mental hospital. But that is exactly what evolutionists believe. They believe that out of a single, random, disorderly event came a flawless, perfectly working ordered universe with light and gravity and stars and planets and human life and out of us came thoughts and ideas and beauty and love. The idea that the universe was created by a big bang and that all life started from one spontaneous cell... it just doesnt sound right. Thats why I believe in the idea of intelligent design, of creationism, and of my savior Jesus Christ. Unfortunately after the fun debate is over and done with, one of the sides being debated IS wrong. Granted both could be wrong but I would like to argue that one of them is. On one hand, If I am wrong then I have nothing to lose because after I die Ill just end up fertilizer for a nice oak tree. Granted you could argue that I wasnt “living life to the fullest,” but if any of you have ever had an intimate relationship with God, you know that one feels happier and is filled with more joy then any worldly thing can ever offer. On the other hand, if I am correct and there is a judgment waiting for everyone after death- this very debate could effectively win you or cost you your soul. I desperately wish that you will heed my words and seriously think about what may happen after death and if you want to take that risk. If any of you have more questions on the creationism theory, or on Christianity itself as a whole and how one might go about beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ, please message me and Id be happy to talk with you. Or call Gods bluff and get a drink from the bar. Its your choice in the end. However it is the belief of a Christian that everyone needs God. I certainly do, and I can tell you my personal testimony if it might help you understand. He is my salvation and my strength. And in the hearts of humans, there is a chasm of discontent that yearns for something more. Constantly we attempt to fill it with worldly things, trying to satiate its thirst, but it can only be quelled with the love of the Savior. The things of this world are temporary and so is the response we get when we feed that desire with them. But the Lord is forever and fulfills that desire completely. Have you ever felt that feeling? That desire for something more out of life? Have you ever longed to know your purpose in life? I dont know about you, but Id like to believe there is one. You need not make any immediate decisions but waiting until youre old rarely works and when it does it is only by extreme humility and regret. So I implore you! I will begin a Florida Polytechnic Christian Club if anyone besides me has the guts, or the foolishness, to face the world in their opinions. Please message me if you want to be a part of it with me. Take a risk for your salvation and be the first to message me. Please excuse my overuse of the website Answers in Genesis, but it is one of the most biblical and scientifically active sites on the internet. Truly I implore you to read several of their articles on whatever subject you believe disproves the theory of creationism and message me if you find an article you wish to debate and Id be happy to look at it with you. I have not looked at every single debate they have made and I dont know everything about the theory of creationism or the theory of evolutionism and I believe that I can assume that no one going to our school does either. If you do know everything pertaining to both theories Id love to have a talk with you! I will enjoy the debate team thoroughly Zakary, and I look forward to meeting all of you at school. I am one of the few objective Christian thinkers and I will hear any argument to the end. If anything I have said is wrong or inaccurate, please tell me so that I might see the error of my ways. Whether I made a mistake, or you are correct is to be determined. I respect all of your opinions and do not wish to force my opinions upon anyone; I am merely going to suggest another option to believe in, in this crazy adventure we call life. By: Luke Aiello
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 13:26:52 +0000

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