This is somewhat of a plug for two things: being obedient to ALL - TopicsExpress


This is somewhat of a plug for two things: being obedient to ALL counsels of your priesthood leaders and interviewing your own kids. Our stake president was expressing his concern for the youth. He commented how local leadership and especially we as parents need to NOT just assume our kids are good and not exposed to the evil influences around them. He counseled us to ensure we are regularly interviewing our kids. I dont know about anyone else but I never remember being interviewed by my dad growing up. I have tried it once before and figured Id do it again. I previously had wanted it to be a regular fast Sunday thing, but was inconsistent. So today we had another round. Thus plug number one. I did not do a temple recommend interview with them. I did not ask them if they were obeying commandments. I talked with them about things they like and dont like. Challenges at school. What makes them happy. Talked about my concerns in general for kids their age. We started and ended with a prayer. Asked them what theyd like me or others at home to do differently. And tried to set some goal with each one. I dont know how these things are supposed to go and I am not recommending this method over any other, but thats how they went down. The important thing is that they get done. I cant state an opinion of how the kids thought it went but I loved the experience and cannot recommend it enough. Get over the wierdness of interviewing your kids. Do not make it an opportunity to lecture. Listen to them, converse with them, and youll be surprised at the inspiration you receive to help them with their specific needs. Plug number two. And just because all my posts are supposed to be related to my gospel study, here is a scripture I read today while daisy chaining off of D&C 93:1. It is in Luke 21:36. 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Of note, worthiness and prayer are not requirements to stand before Christ to be judged of Him after the resurrection (Alma 11:44)...
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:20:58 +0000

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