This is such a bullshit “interview” by the token Carson… He - TopicsExpress


This is such a bullshit “interview” by the token Carson… He does not address the shooting in Ferguson… but instead talked about his growing up and what he accomplished… how HE puled himself up… “by the Grace of God”…. He did exactly what he was supposed to do… be the token avoid talking about race and make Jackson look like the angry Black man… Carson himself justifies that this WAS ABOUT RACE and he tried to several times soften the commentary…. The technical difficulties… conveniently were on Carson’s end so that we could not see his face… nor his expressions….. Jackson… like him or not… addressed the issues that FAUXNEWS presented in the interview… and Carson had the nerve to extend thanks “during his days with Dr Martin Luther King… I appreciate it very much…” How farking condescending..!!!!! Like him or not… Jackson was there in Ferguson… Like him or not… Jackson faced those that “appreciated” him… and many of those who did not… (Google the video on your own…) Carson… went on Hannity and O’reilly On Hannity.. he asks to be corrected.. I wish someone had called in then… The responses on the Africa American Conservatives site are equally appalling... Nit because there are Blacks on the site condescendingly addressing the Brown situation and of course President Obama.. But it is a faux site with a misleading name that allows subscribers who are NOT POC to go on and spew their vile.. WHERE ARE THE 10 PERCENTERS...????????
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 03:40:30 +0000

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