This is the Bull-Racing photo taken from Pacu Jawi in Indonesia. - TopicsExpress


This is the Bull-Racing photo taken from Pacu Jawi in Indonesia. It is similar to Vietnams Bull-Racing. The difference is that the rider stands on different platform. In Vietnam the riders step on a T-Shaped wooden platform and this platform is sturdily tied to the back of the bulls. In Indonesia it is even more exciting, the riders step on the round bamboo and this rattan just put on the bulls neck, not only that, they can only hold on to the tails of the bulls for balance. Either that or they will hold onto the bamboo with one hand and the other hand on the tail of the bull. To increase the speed of the bulls, the rider will bite the bulls tail. Can you imagine how hard this is? At anytime the riders may fall into the muddy water and it is bound to cause heavy injury if a few hundred kg bull runs across the rider. 这是在印尼Pacu Jawi拍的猛牛竞赛照片,它与越南的猛牛竞赛异曲同工,不同处是骑师脚下踩的东西不一样。越南的是双脚踩在一块T-形木条上,这木条稳扣在牛背上。而印尼的更刺激,骑师是双脚踩在圆竹片上,这圆竹片各别不受力的扣在牛背上,骑师双手紧握牛尾巴或一手捉着竹片另一手紧握牛尾巴共扑生死。骑师想要增加速度时就用口狠狠的咬牛尾巴。这时候这些猛牛会突然间发狂的向前衝。你可想像这有多危险及控制它的难度有多高。随时,可说十之八九骑师都直直的栽进污泥水里。假如给后面来了只几百公斤不受控的猛牛踩个正着准没命,呜呼哀哉!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 19:19:56 +0000

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