This is the Christmas in Indonesia. Merry Christmas, Politics, - TopicsExpress


This is the Christmas in Indonesia. Merry Christmas, Politics, and Facebook By Daisy Irawan December 25, 2014 at 1:49pm This year, the Christmas celebration in Indonesia is very special. President Joko Widodo, who is a moslem, decided to attend Christmas celebration in Papua. This christian majority province had been neglected by the previous government. The human development index in this area is very low. For around fifty years after the independence of Indonesia, the huge Papua only had 1 university. Compare to my tiny little hometown which has 125 universities, and numerous of non-degree training centers. Yet, the land of Papua is actually very rich. This area produces hundreds kilograms of gold which is being exported to the US... remaining the local children have to walk for kilometers accross the swamps and jungle full of crocodiles to get into the nearerst elementary school. No wonder, the aware people from this province want to make Papua an independent country. For so many years, the government tried to repress the rebellions by military force. Jokowi might be the first Indonesian president who chooses to come and to talk with the people in Papua in a peaceful manner. But wow! Off course the evil and jealous people are very unhappy with any merry things. They are creating all sorts of religious argumentation against Jokowis plan to attend Xmas celebration in papua. Hundreds of religious preaches, and debates are floating all over on facebook walls, trying to convince people how wrong the christmas concept is. Saying Merry Xmas is very sinful. Supermarket cashier, and hotel staff are not supposed to wear Santa Claus hats. There is an urgent sweeping order onto the workers who are wearing Santa Claus hat...despite of the fact that in Indonesia many non-moslems who are working at the supermarkets, hotels, and other service industries have been wearing moslem outfit on all islamic celebration for so many years, without any complain. In fact, I love to see ketupat decorations, everywhere during Idul Fitri. Well, I have heard many defamation about Xmas, valentine, and easter since I was in the highschool. The prohibition to say Merry Christmas from the moslems to their christians family, neighbors and friends have been announced for so many years. But most of my moslems families, and friends woudl simply ignoring it. For centuries, we have had a food exchange tradition in many religious celebrations. Any celebration used to be a happy moment for all religion. Its a holiday festivies, where families, friends, and neighbour meet, relax, exchanging stories, and delicious food. Its the time when the broken bonds are being mend together. The moment of forgiveness, and love. In 2014, Facebook is the king of the world. It is a new machine that is forming social norms. It empowers the evils to preach their frightening hatred virus. Yet several religious leaders, and three of the biggest moslems organizations in Indonesia have publictly announce that saying Merry Xmas is not sinful, there is a significant changes on my facebook activity. Last year, my facebook wall was full with Xmas messages, in this year, I have got hundreds of Merry Christmas messages from my Indonesian friends in my inbox. They are from the same people. My beloved bestfriends who are happy for other peoples happiness. But they have to compromise with the risk of social sanction, and broken ties with their radical-moslems friends. These are people who keep love in their heart, and choose to do it in peace. Friends. whether you post Merry Xmas in my wall, or send it in a private message, you are still my friends. And I wish you happiness, and peacefullness throughout the coming years. Happy holiday! GBU all.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:57:14 +0000

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