This is the FIRST time ebola has been contracted in the U.S. I - TopicsExpress


This is the FIRST time ebola has been contracted in the U.S. I just watched an interview on CNN with a hospital spokesman from Texas and the main points do not seem encouraging: 1) The healthcare worker who has ebola now was not in the group considered at high risk. 2) The healthcare worker was using all protective gear when there was any contact with the original patient. 3) In spite of #2 there has been no change in the protective gear and the hospital still feels the protective measures are adequate 4) The hospital where this is happening will not be getting any new emergency patients for the time being. Ambulances will be diverted to other hospitals. 5) The hospital has set up a special ICU with - I think - 18 beds for any new ebola patients. Several of these points seem worrisome. The senior medical consultant for CNN said she was devastated to hear that someone contracted ebola in the US using full protective gear. Another doctor interviewed said he was shocked. Candy Crowley said the press conference at the Texas hospital did not seem very comforting. Dallas could be in trouble. Probably not... But could be. msn/en-us/news/us/texas-healthcare-worker-diagnosed-with-ebola/ar-BB8RLM4
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:05:29 +0000

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