This is the Shay, our bhoy wonder and his young parents who - TopicsExpress


This is the Shay, our bhoy wonder and his young parents who desperately need our help. Imagine having your first baby or first grandchild and things go badly wrong. Now you are entering Mary and Tam’s world. Instead of your baby uttering his first words, eating his first meal, taking his first steps ( all the things we take for granted) you spend the first year of his life in and out of the hospital, hoping, just hoping that your baby will firstly survive and then secondly will improve. Yet this miracle is starting to happen due to the resilience of Shay, his family and his friends. They are fighting back, Shay is starting to smile and slowly react. The family’s despair is moving slowly towards hope, but they need special medical treatment to give Shay a chance, but as always this comes at a cost. To give Shay a chance he probably needs 2 or 3 years of treatment. Be proud if you have already taken part in the CQN predictor competition which will raise around £700 to support this family, but this is only the start of their journey to normality, something we all take for granted. We can join them on this journey and once again make a difference HH CRC [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:12:30 +0000

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