This is the area where most of our SAGE galgos come from, - TopicsExpress


This is the area where most of our SAGE galgos come from, Fuensalida is one of the places that you have heard me mention before. Having been there, it is not hard for me to imagine the impact this has on the rescue work the Spanish volunteers do. Remember the evening that Leti and I were in that little town, knowing that during that one day more then 5 galgos were spotted that day? Reality might be that from now on, we may only find them dead. Can you imagine what this does to the Spanish volunteers? A rough translation by Bing from the Eldiario article: On eve of Christmas Eve, the Council of the Government of Castilla - La Mancha has approved the new hunting Act in the region, a law reviled in the rest of the country and which has been designated by the bloody practices supported by numerous naturalistic and environmental agencies. To approve it, the regional government, through his spokesman, Leandro Esteban, said the facilities that will hunting and the hunting sector, not to mention especially the conservation of nature and species. For Esteban standard has social character, since it promotes and facilitates the game fans of the rural municipalities and, in addition, guarantees the preservation of nature. In this medium already explain what facts considers this Act of hunting (at that time a first draft, now already completely approved). Is allowed to kill dogs and cats, the death of lanceados animals, closing roads for hunting, fining cyclists, pickers of mushrooms or strollers by the field by disturb the hunters, which will close public elements so be it catches (to be public or private companies which organize hunting), or not control the direction of the shot (hunters must shoot taking care not to do so where there are roads where cars can pass)something that now will no longer be necessary and can also shoot towards the roads). However for the Government this law will improve the nature of the region because it will improve the genetic quality of the species, according to Esteban. You can create hunting grounds with many less paperwork now, something that has highlighted in spokesperson that will have an impact on the improvement of the hunting sector. Hunting accommodates the social and economic reality of the region. Hunting in Castilla - La Mancha is an important economic sector generator of income and employment, making it both deserves special attention, like the one proposed by the Government of Cospedal with this regulation. The process so that already in the fields the of this law changes is now go through the courts which must be voted on (mere formality with the absolute majority of the Popular Party) and debated. Own spokesman has indicated that it can enter into force before the end of the legislature and whether elections, face already to the next hunting season. That law also allows to close roads, trapping, changing the model of the hunt with more intensity and shopping in more closed and fenced preserves, fines to any distortion of the activity of hunting by any person or massive practices that threaten the security not only of protected species such as the Iberian lynx but against the people themselves. The new law rewards the activity of hunting and indeed intensify it and subsidizes, implementing practices also are considered wild. One of the examples is that he is allows to kill dogs and cats. Public use of the Castilian mountains would be hunting and indeed are penalized that way in practice. Collected 100,000 signatures against the law, which have not been heard despite being the largest collection of signatures made in Castilla - la Mancha in the history.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:38:58 +0000

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