This is the attachment we just sent out with our African Adams - TopicsExpress


This is the attachment we just sent out with our African Adams Mission Appeal, asking for money to do our work in 2015. We are hoping to raise $25,000 again this year. It will bring you up to date on what we are trying to do, in spite of the Ebola epidemic...which is globally threatening. If we dont help lift will keep birthing globally threatening things...not just items which suppress an already suppressed Continent. Some will be health related like Ebola...others will be politically dangerous things due to the lack of education and ignorance...Whatever it will be, we will continue to be hard pressed to identify solutions. Ebola, I tell you, will take an act of God to stop. Another virus will come and sit on it stopping it, or something else. Even a powerful, well funded group like the CDC is proving helpless, even to handle a few cases in highly controlled environments of special USA trained hospitals. Imagine what it is like in the high chaos environment of Western Africa? May God Bless what ever you are doing with only good things. John Gregg and my grandson, Adam Bedel Attachment 2014 Progress – Accomplishments and 2015 Programs (in blue) 1. Pineapple Juice production and processing in Nigeria – We have made arrangements with an outside consultant and friend to introduce us to a major European based funding source. The key focus of this contact is to fund building a 100,000 metric ton juice production facility in Southeast Nigeria. (In 2015, we will establish the relationship with the funding contact.) 2. Aku-Ubi, our farmers’ cooperative – A new office for Aku-Ubi has been opened and equipped at Imo State Polytechnic University’s brand new Coop Business Building. (A Big Effort for 2015 is to source a tractor for Aku-Ubi. It will be a big sign to the farmers that we are serious about gaining their membership in the cooperative.) 3. ACar – This project is one of our new efforts aimed at improving the African economy for sub-Saharan Africa and empowering lower income Business people and farmers. The scale of opportunity for this project is incredibly high. The team has been formed with the technical University of Munich and various sub-Saharan African universities, Along with several Industry and government agencies to build a multifunctional vehicle that would bring a tremendous improvement in mobility to the region. It’s clear, from world history, that radical improvement in mobility leads to a positive industrial revolution. Pilot vehicles have been constructed both in Africa and Munich to get things moving. I hope you have had a chance to see some of the progress in the quarterly updates published through our website ( (In 2015, we will develop a final prototype in Nigeria at FUTO and identify a local assembly company.) 4. Advancing medical care in the region utilizing ACar – at team has been formed with medical professionals and university professors in Nigeria to brainstorm and implement programs utilizing improved mobility delivered by ACar to advance medical care. (In 2015, we will work with FUTO and TUM students to do the early on design of ACar for the medical features that it will offer long term. Brainstorming sessions are set for January, after a Sub-Saharan African orientation to be held in Kenya, November/December’2014.) 5. Building more student capacity for Nursing College in Southeast Nigeria – Several grants have been applied for to generate funding that would allow us to add on to the classroom capacity for holy Rosary nursing college in Emekuku, Nigeria. We have high confidence that some funding will be generated by the end of the year. (In 2015, we will pursue grant monies to advance education efforts to produce more Physician Assistant skills for the region, given the lack of medical doctors in the region.) 6. Gender Development Conference in Nigeria – ACIF sponsored John Gregg speech at an annual conference primarily aimed at advancing the status for women in Sub-Saharan Africa. He spoke on the role of Leadership in supporting this effort. We will put this up on YouTube and reference it in the ACIF/AHAF website once it becomes available. (In 2015, we will continue to pursue opportunities to support Sub-Saharan efforts to support advancement for women.) All of our projects can be referenced off of the homepage at Once you are on the home page, all of the Projects are easily referenced by clicking one of the icons in the lower right of the homepage.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:21:39 +0000

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