This is the best refutation of ISIS and the declarion of the - TopicsExpress


This is the best refutation of ISIS and the declarion of the Islamic Khalifa by Baghadadi Note: shaykh muhaysini is not a government scholar or a puppet but a honoured shaykh in Makkah and Madinah and venerated by all ! We want it on the manhaj of Prophethood Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysni regarding the declaration of khilafah [Anything between brackets is from me, not the shaykh. Any mistakes in this poor attempt to translate the shaykhs words are from me & shaytan, any good in it is from Allah] ===== I had previously tweeted deciding to suffice myself in regards to what I clarified relating to Jama’at al-Baghdadi. However an incident with consequences developed, and I ask Allah to be lenient with the mujahideen, it is the announcement of khilafah by Jama’at al-Baghdadi. A group of brothers insisted that I clarify the basis of that stance shar’i wise, away from the ongoing dispute, away from emotion, for the affair is religion. So I say, (while) seeking Allah’s help, through tweets titled “We want it on the manhaj of Prophethood”: To begin with, the striving towards the establishment of khilafah upon the manhaj of Prophethood, which the Ummah of Muhammad was stripped of when it reached that which it reached of humiliation and degradation when it abandoned jihad, lowered itself to palace scholars who legislated for their rulers what they want, so their masters determine the fatawa for them while they cause confusion, and Allah’s aid is sought. So (with that said) returning the khilafah and striving for that is from the most obligatory of obligations, for the strength of the Muslims lies in their unity and coherence, and due to that the European countries were avid on dismantling the unity of the Muslims by imposing the Sykes-Picot borders. There’s no establishment of the religion and it’s rulings in its full sense except through it (khilafah) and there’s no complete safety for the Muslims except through it. And I say here to all those in whose hearts wahn has nestled, O you who have been astounded by the strength of the West & its sway, and thought the pursuit for khilafah to be delusion and imagination, we say to those: know that the khilafah will return, and we swear by the One who’s only worthy of worship that the khilafah & the honor will return to our Ummah, with the honor of an honored one, or the disgrace of a disgraced one. That’s the promise of our Prophet sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, you see it afar off and we see it as near. You are looking at dunya perspectives, we look at the change of situation of Tunisia overnight and the One who left the ruler of Egypt to the prison (Mubarak), then He made the imprisoned the ruler (Morsi) and then He rendered the ruler imprisoned (Morsi). Indeed the One who changes these conditions is able to change the condition of our Ummah with his saying “be” and it’ll be. Moreover, we are only demanded to strive, as for the results then their command lies with Allah. However despite all of that we say that the khilafah we strive for & our necks are struck for, is that which the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam promised of, which is “upon the methodology of Prophethood”. Anything besides that is forceful rule which the Ummah has grown tired of & has suffered the anguish of it for decades. Claiming the label of khilafah without meeting its requirements is teasing the feelings of the Muslims, exploiting their emotions and harming the religion of Allah. The announcement of khilafah by Jama’at al-Baghdadi isn’t the first case, it was announced before them in Algeria, they fought the Ummah, and the West & its agents rejoiced over this hastening before establishment. Two years ago the khilafah was announced by Abul Banat and those with him in Syria, they demanded the bay’ah, they isolated themselves from the shura of the Ummah and ended! A youth in Afghanistan (also) declared the khilafah, they came out against the mujahideen, they imposed on the Ummah to pledge to them. They fought, killed and were killed. What has to be taken into consideration isn’t raising the slogan of khilafah, but meeting it’s requirements, what has to be in consideration is that it should be on the methodology of Prophethood, or else what did we accomplish? And here we are today, facing a prospect from the prospects of dividing the ranks of the mujahideen, an attempt to bury the jihad and to extend the dispute, disunity and bloodshed. So to you O Lord is the complaint. Today Jama’at al-Baghdadi announces the khilafah not in ‘Iraq and Sham, but rather the whole Ummah from its east to its west, without referring to even one acknowledged scholar! To every sincere one: Fear Allah, it’s a repeated attempt to bury the jihad by disuniting and hastening the affairs, far away from the jihad groups, it’s scholars, it’s intellectuals, the ahlul hal of this Ummah, and you will bear the burden of it in front of the Lord of all creation. O seeker of the truth, the people of knowledge determined that that ruler comes to power in one of the three ways: 1 – Appointment by a ruler before him 2- Shura upon the methodology of Prophethood 3 – Overpowering As for the appointment it didn’t occur, so al-Baghdadi’s rule is either overpowering or shura & (correct) khilafah. As for shura, which is the methodology the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam promised that khilafah would return with & it’s what we spill our blood for in Allah’s cause to revive it, then this isn’t what the khilafah of al-Baghdadi is that he announced. The sharee’ah has set for every action conditions and preventive factors so that the action of worship isn’t in its wrong place and causes harm & no benefit, even if it appeals to the doer and thinks that he’s upon good, for the innovators and Sufis when they innovate their prayers & tasbeeh also think that they’re doing good. So our love for prayer, fasting, hajj & khilafah doesn’t lead us do it when we want & desire and then use our love for the religion and good deeds as an excuse, lest we fall into bid’ah and innovating in the religion. Indeed the khilafah has conditions just like everything else besides it has conditions, from it’s most important conditions are establishment & consultation. Real known establishment not delusional, and Prophetic consultation not based on groups, for the khilafah is for the Ummah and not for a group. Also from its conditions is knowing the khalifah, by seeing and being aware of him, the majority of ahlul hal wal ‘aqd do not know al-Baghdadi, let alone selecting him. Was he selected by Mullah ‘Umar, ath-Thawahiri, the ameer of al-Qawqaz, al-Wuhayshi and others besides them from the leaders of jihad? Was he selected by the ‘ulama or the majority of them? Was he selected by the ahlul hal wal ‘aqd from amongst the mujahideen and those besides them, because we don’t seek a khilafah for the mujahideen but a khilafah for the ummah, so is the khilafah of al-Baghdadi a khilafah for the ummah or a khilafah for a jama’ah? O seeker of the truth, (even) the assuming of leadership over a particular land is not permitted except with the consultation of the people of influence, ahlul hal wal ‘aqd. Didn’t Allah say: “and their affair (is conducted) amongst them by mutual consultation”? Didn’t the Messenger of Allah sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam say: “Were I to appoint anyone without consultation I would’ve appointed ibn Mas’ood”? And it’s necessary that ahlul hal wal ‘aqd should be representatives of the Ummah of Muhammad sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, not that they be chosen by so-and-so as a council for himself and then named as the people of shura, this is the action of the tyrants, not the way of khilafah. Who were those whom the shura took place amongst? What are their names and what’s their condition? Who are they representing and who chose them to chose (the khalifah)? The declaration of what’s known as “The Islamic State of ‘Iraq & Sham” was a mistake that caused the Ummah bloodshed and woes, it’ll be borne by all who aided, assisted and pledged to it. Here we are today, facing the announcement of a khilafah with no establishment or consultation, upon the methodology of eradication not that of Prophethood, so how much blood will be spilled due to that? Indeed I see that al-Baghdadi doesn’t have establishment in the majority of Sham, such as Alleppo, as-Sahil (the coastal region), Homs, Damascus and elsewhere, so how does he announce the khilafah for the whole Ummah? It is by Allah a grievous mistake and a blinding fitnah. The mistake is even more hideous when it’s based on blood & the violation of honor, the announcement of al-Baghdadi for his khilafah and the announcement of all those who don’t recognize his bay’ah is tyranny which will spill falls of blood of muwwahideen. So woe to those who pledge and support (the “khilafah”) from the curse of this blood on a day you will all stand before the Compeller. Woe to them from dividing the ranks of the jihad in the Islamic world! It’s as if their fitnah will reach Yemen, the Maghreb and Somalia – may Allah not decree that -, and what a joy for America and her agents when that happens! From the dilemmas of the matters which there’s no way out for the one who fell in such, is the spilling of Muslim blood without just cause. We, by Allah, did not come out nor did the mujahideen come out to spill the blood and violate the honor, rather they came to remove oppression, kufr and fitnah. So fear Allah in regards to them (Muslims). Indeed the lack of consulting the mujahideen and the ‘ulamaa is the greatest fitnah, this will cause fighting & bloodshed, had they referred to the ‘ulamaa as Allah ordered they would’ve succeeded. If it’s not khilafah on the manhaj of Prophethood then it’s overpowering and usurpation, that’s tyrannical rule and not the khilafah which the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave the glad tidings of. And if they claim that the leadership of al-Baghdadi was not attained through consultation but overpowering, then all the people of knowledge have agreed on the fisq (rebelliousness, disobedience, evil) of the overpowering ruler, his repelling is obligatory in the areas which he has no authority or influence in. So if you say that he’s overpowering, then he – on the assumption that his bay’ah is valid – is overpowering over Raqqah, the people of Raqqah pledge to him due to his overpowering. However other remaining lands don’t see him as a leader without shura, and since he’s overpowering he’s a fasiq, pledging to him is not permissible according to them, rather they repel him. From what was mentioned before, the bay’ah of al-Baghdadi is neither that of khilafah or overpowering, rather it’s a void bay’ah which incurred woes on the Ummah, divided their ranks and spilled their blood. Enclosing ------ O seeker of the truth, the declaration of khilafah from one party besides the other factions of haqq only affirms the falsehood of this group and it’s transgression against the rights of other Muslims. The objective of appointing the Greater Imam is to unite the word, to bring together our gathering, to establish the religion, to implement the rulings of Allah, to lift oppression and to spread justice. So I ask you by Allah, did you unite the word or disunite it with your action? O seeker of the truth, the one whom it’s obligatory to pledge to as leader is the one who’s capable of spreading his authority to all the lands of the Muslims, then his bay’ah becomes obligatory on all. The one who has no capability or authority over most of the Muslims, their land, their skies, their seas, their resources or their services, has nothing from the khilafah except the name. The obligations of the governor in Islam are greater and more than merely pleasing & attaching titles to oneself. Is the khalifah which you selected capable of protecting the people in Yemen, Somalia or elsewhere? How then can he be a khalifah while the hadeeth states: “The Imam is a shield”. Is he really a shield for the population, whom he demands that they pledge him, from everything that harms them or frightens them, while the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “The Imam is a shield”. Demanding the obedience and bay’ah for the one who’s incapable of taking care of the affairs of the population who are distant from him is a manifestation of ignorance regarding the objective of the khilafah & it’s services. Indeed the khilafah that you have announced is nothing more than spilling more blood of Ahlu Sunnah, more of transgression and devising excuses to kill those opposing. It means an attempt to eliminate the combating groups & others besides them who don’t agree with the desires of Dawlah under the guise of their “invalidity”. It means a war against al-Qa’idah and affiliating groups which terrified the West and its allies, because they didn’t pledge to the “khalifah”, and thus remains the war against Ahlu Sunnah in the name of the Sunnah! The decision on the khilafah means besieging the jihadi organizations before finishing them off in the upcoming phase, which means waging war against the mujahideen in the name of the religion. O seeker of the truth, when you rule upon (label) everyone opposing you with misguidance or rather with death – while they are from the sincere of Ahlu Sunnah -, then this is the biggest sign of your misguidance. O Jama’at al-Baghdadi and its supporters, indeed it’s a word of truth that we say which honorable scholars have preceded us in. The Ummah and the Islamic state isn’t Raqqah nor Mosul, the Ummah is greater than you and us, so fear Allah in regards to it. Fear Allah in regards to the groups of mujahideen in Afghanistan, Yemen, Chechnya and Maghreb, don’t corrupt for the Muslims their jihad. The religion of Allah isn’t fiery slogans nor dazzling words, and you will come to know the news of your actions, even if after a while.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:47:38 +0000

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