This is the comment I sent to today. 22 - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to today. 22 September 2014 Comment # 670. These ideas are better than your agenda. Barack this is part of an email I received today: House Republicans have solutions, and it’s time for the Senate to bring the 40 plus bills up for a vote instead of leaving them in the Senate graveyard. Here are some of the jobs-creating solutions that are awaiting action in the other Chamber: • H.R. 5, The Student Success Act - Empowers parents, supports effective teacher, and restores local control. • H.R. 2879, The Stop Government Abuse Act - Provides small business owners with tools to protect against government harassment. • H.R. 3474, Hire More Heroes Act - Makes it easier to hire veterans by exempting those with existing coverage from ObamaCare’s employer mandate. • H. Con. Res. 96, The Path to Prosperity Budget - Cuts spending & implements pro-growth reforms that boost job creation. • H.R. 4457, Americas Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2014 - Permanently allows small business to immediately deduct the cost of purchasing new equipment. • H.R. 3393, The Student and Family Tax Simplification Act - Streamlines existing education tax credits to make it easier for families to plan, save and invest in education. It is an honor to represent the people of the Second Congressional District of South Carolina, and I value your input. Joe Wilson Member of Congress South Carolina There are four major things wrong with these House Bills. 1. Harry Reid will never let them come to a vote. 2. They are better ideas than anything the Democrats can come up with. 3. They do not support your personal agenda. 4. If they get passed they will still have the faults of any government program. Barack you can avoid watching the Democrats lose control of the Senate by resigning now.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:43:36 +0000

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