This is the comment I sent to today. 5 June 2013 - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to today. 5 June 2013 Comment # 210 Barack it seems that today was a day for passive aggressive activity from the Obama Group. You made Susan Rice your national security adviser to snub Republicans for denying your attempt to reward her for her help in covering up the Benghazi murders. Eric Holder had a passive “What difference does it make?” moment when he intentionally missed the deadline to explain himself to House Judiciary Republicans. You bested both of those passive aggressive efforts when you nominated Samantha Power as the Ambassador to the UN. Not only did you select a person that you want to attempt to jam down the Republicans throat, you also selected one that would upset Hillary Clinton. It will probably really frost Hillary when you nominate Powers for Secretary of state in about three months. We do need a replacement for Kerry as soon as possible. I say that because it appears that his handling of the Syria situation is not painting a good picture of the United States to the average person in the region. I know this because today I met and added Abdulrahman of Saudi Arabia to my friends list. We had a lengthy conversation and he said that “we need help”. When I asked him what he needed help with, he replied that “we need help with Syria and Iran”. After couple of more exchanges he confirmed that he wanted Assad to be removed and Iran controlled. He and other young people (he works as a mechanic) are concerned that Assad remaining in Syria would strengthen Iran’s position in the area. I explained to him that many Americans share his views on the situation. I also let him know that it was possible that you did not share his concerns. I told him that you might be more interested in maintaining the status quo because it would mean that Syria and Hezbollah were needed to keep pressure on Israel to be more cooperative on the Palestinian issue. I also told him that you were not willing to confront Russia about their ambitions in the area. The real topper was when I said you were naïve for thinking that Iran is controllable and they were not really a threat to the region. By the way, Abdulrahman has been to the United States. He would like to get a job here because he, unlike many people in the Obama Group, thinks America is great. Remember 9 August 1974.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:11:22 +0000

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