This is the comment I sent to tonight. 13 June - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to tonight. 13 June 2014 Comment #585 Friday the 13th is not Barack’s lucky day. Barack Lindsay Siler used the OFA network to send out a survey today. She assured all recipients their responses would be considered. The survey was a one question survey. The question: What is your priority? Of course OFA meant the question for the Barackies who drool when you speak. Barack I don’t drool when you speak. I do fight the urge to regurgitate. I also examine what you said to attempt to understand who is going to get hurt because of what you said and when it will happen and how you will make it happen. I never consider why because everything you do is geared to increase your power over “we the people”. Barack your lust for power is why I answered the simple survey with this simple sentence: “I will do everything I can to remove Barack Obama from the White House.” Barack everything I can is not much. I am not wealthy, but I will donate as much as my fixed income will allow to candidates from the State of South Carolina who oppose your attempts to shred the Constitution. I will also contribute to organizations that are working to unearth the facts about the following issues: 1. Benghazi 2. The IRS scandal 3. The Bergdahl trade 4. The intentional disclosure of the CIA station chief in Kabul 5. Your continued assaults on the Constitution. Barack I will also continue to write comments to the White House whether you read them or not. I will continue to write and repost them because many times I am correct about items I mention before they make it to the news page. Items like the story of the CIA station chief being miffed at you for releasing the terrorist responsible for Mike Spann’s death in Afghanistan. Barack to close out this lucky Friday the 13th I have a question. Did you make the decision not to get involved in Iraq because you promised the Wahhabi leaders of Saudi Arabia you would stay out of it so they could increase the price of crude? The obvious follow up question is: Is this part of your plan to force more pain at the pump while collecting larger donations from foreign oil theocrats for the Democratic Party? It is only 57 Days until we celebrate 9 August. PS Who are you going to blame the deaths of thousands of Iraqi civilians on?
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 01:49:37 +0000

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