This is the comment I sent to tonight. 14 March - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to tonight. 14 March 2014 Comment # 493 Barack I love days like this. Once again it appears you have had another week where nothing has been beneficial to your personal agenda except your exercising what you consider executive authority and the rest of us call dictatorial powers. Of course if you were not playing dictator we would not have the pleasure of having Representative Trey Gowdy using your own words to call you out for threatening to veto a law that would allow you to be sued for side stepping Congress via your dictatorial powers. One of Rep. Gowdy’s statements was a double edged sword: “And if a president does not faithfully execute the law, Mr. Speaker, what are our remedies? Do we just sit and wait on another election? Do we use the power of the purse, the power of appeasement? Those are punishments, those are not remedies,” Gowdy declared. The reason this statement is a double edged sword is because it cut into Congress for not doing anything to stop you but wait for another election while they appease you. They have done this for what I consider the obvious reasons. The Democrats in Congress want to continue to reap the rewards of having massive support from minorities and unions. The Republicans are afraid of being called racist. The other edge of the sword is Congress is finally looking for a way to curtail your quest to become a dictator by using the law to make you honor your oath of office. Barack the only thing that is missing from Congressman Gowdy’s stance on your abuse of power is the word impeachment. You have earned impeachment based on your encouraging legal immigrants to sign up illegal immigrant relatives for Obamcare. I think most state laws would consider your action at least a misdemeanor if not a felony. Barack right now the probability of your escaping your current assault on the Constitution without appearing before a judge will rest on your ability to play the biggest race card you can find. There are only three other ways you can get your head off the chopping block. 1. Joe Biden creates a total mess in the Ukraine. 2. The Malaysian Airlines plane crashes into DC with a twenty ton dirty bomb on board. 3. You resign.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 03:57:32 +0000

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