This is the comment I sent to tonight. 18 June - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to tonight. 18 June 2014 Comment # 540. Barack nor Kerry can handle the truth. Barack you nor Kerry can handle the truth. You do not want to recognize it nor do you want to tell the truth. Here are examples of you nor Kerry being able to recognize the truth: (CNSNews) - You cannot win a battle against radical Islamic terrorism if youre unwilling to utter the words radical Islamic terrorism, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said on Tuesday. Coincidentally, on the same day Cruz made that comment, Secretary of State John Kerry said that extreme poverty breeds terrorism. Here are some examples of you and Kerry not being able to tell the truth: You have told lies about: 1. Obamacare 2. Wanting to destroy the 2nd Amendment 3. Fast and Furious 4. Benghazi 5. PFC Bergdahl 6. Having Al-Qaida on the run 7. The IRS scandal 8. Energy independence policy Kerry has told lies about: 1. Self-inflicted wounds which helped him get a shorter tour in Vietnam 2. Actions he never did which entitled him to a Silver Star and a Bronze Star during his 4 month tour in Vietnam. 3. Accusing Vietnam vets of war crimes when he had zero knowledge of. 4. Saying he misspoke when he called Israel an apartheid state. Barack I could have made both list longer. What really matters is not the number or the subject matter of the falsehoods that you and John Kerry have vested upon the public. What matters are both of you have betrayed the public trust on more than one occasion and you both have demonstrated you have extremely weak character. Barack your foreign policy ideas are bad. You have made them worse by having John Kerry represent the United States on the world stage. Barack the world has had enough of your lies and the insults of sending a liar to represent you. Resign now!!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 02:03:35 +0000

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