This is the comment I sent to tonight. 23 - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to tonight. 23 January 2014 Comment # 445 Barack traditionally ambassadors to foreign countries where there is not a threat of getting killed by the natives have gone to political cronies. For the most part few people ever notice unless the appointee is famous or infamous. George Tsunis is the exception to this rule because he made news because he flunked on basic knowledge of Norway. Barack he will probably get approved anyway because you don’t care if you insult other countries. Appointing Billy Jean King as the official representative of the US to the Sochi Olympics proved you don’t care. In the case of Norway you did not care because Norway does not offer you a way to increase your power or popularity. Russia on the other hand has both of those plumbs to offer. You make the gay community happy in the US and Russia. Your popularity goes up in hundreds of countries and your political power is increased in the US. Barack the problem with the Russia insult is simple. This is the first question I asked myself: What was your hidden agenda when you made this move? I have decided on three possibilities. 1. You were hoping that Putin jump up and down and make a fool out of himself as you have with your red lines and other loud talk. It didn’t happen unless you consider Putin’s admonition of gay to stay away from the children while in Sochi. 2. You were looking for some way to justify pulling a Jimmy Carter so that you could fiscally hurt Russia. 3. You do not have the courage to go toe to toe with Putin so you decided to attempt out maneuvering him. Barack the Persians invented chess and the Russians perfected chess. Guess what you are still playing checkers. Barack you lost what little respect that Putin may have had left for you and accomplished nothing in the foreign affairs department. I do not have a clue who is giving you the bad advice. It might be a great idea to quit playing high school kid and get another advisor on foreign affairs. I doubt you will do either. Barack do the United States a big favor. Resign!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 02:15:08 +0000

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