This is the comment I sent to tonight. 24 June - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to tonight. 24 June 2014 Comment # 596 Poison of Public Education. Barack two books I have recently read have pointed out the poison of public education. The two books are Losing Bin Laden by Richard Miniter and Unfit for Command by John E. O’Neil and Jerome R. Corsi, PH.D. There are a thousand books that are available to illustrate the poison in public education but these two demonstrate how it has shaped persons in leadership positions on the world stage. Both of these books also reflect what you have demonstrated in your attempt to be a domestic and world leader during five plus years as POTUS. There is no way I could give a decent review of these two books with the 2500 character constraint your office has placed on comments to the White House. I will endeavor and take one small section from Unfit for Command and relate it to you, John Kerry and Bill Clinton and how the public and Ivy League schools poisoned your thinking. In Chapter 7 of Unfit for Command Ion Mihai Pacepa , a Soviet Defector, spoke about how the KGB used the KGB funded World Peace Organization to paint the ugliest picture available of the United States and its role in Vietnam. They aided in helping people avoid the draft and create organizations to protest the war. They also helped frame some of the speeches which individuals like John Kerry delivered as a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. The speeches were mostly lies are expert spin but demonstrated Kerry’s desire to grandstand his way into a power position. Not only did Kerry receive help from WPO, so did scholars at the high school and college level to influence the young minds they were supposed to educate. These fine useful fools aided the now defunct Communist Party of the USSR in indoctrinating young minds into believing the United States is evil and is to blame for all of the world’s problems. Barack it is obvious the poison passed out in the 50’s and 60’s effected Bill and Hillary Clinton as well as John Kerry and millions of other well educated Democrats who realized this snake venom was easy to sell to the down trodden and the drug clouded minds of academia. Barack these same people are the people who influenced you and your generation. You have drank the poison and you want to give it to the young minds from pre-K to the P.H.D. level. Barack we the people do not want poison distributed to the youth of the United States. Take your sample case and get out of the White House.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:01:47 +0000

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