This is the core of the sacred geometry structure Buckminster - TopicsExpress


This is the core of the sacred geometry structure Buckminster Fuller named the isotropic vector matrix. It is within you. It is the fabric of all time, space, and matter... When you look into this what do you feel? My sense is that focusing into this image balances the hemispheres of the brain and emphasizes the momentary dominance of the so called thetabrainwave pattern of 6-8 cycles per second (hertz), the optimum meditative state. As you focus on the center of this image your mind wanders as different patterns emerge, each one triggering thoughts and imagery uniquely important to each persons specific development. In other words you are the only one that is going to see what you see; everyone sees what they specifically need to see. Because this is a base pattern or base code of the physical universe reflecting the inherent perfection of the creation, thus a creation code or that which the universe uses to create and recreate itself, when we encounter this consciously expressed or represented in its purest state or form, a measure of entrainment occurs where we, who are also made of this, are both harmonized and nourished by the encounter in an irrevocable way. That code then resounds in us, is empowered in us. Shaking off the dross, the shallow, the finite that may have been obscuring our true nature; allowing our renewed clarity. In essence it is a simple consciousness accelerator activated by choice at will by exercising ones awareness and intention. This to my understanding is the premise of the Hindu yantra in the long tradition of sacred art. Kind of a visual mantra in that consciously choosing to focus upon a specific image based on some sacred geometric pattern has been know for thousands of years to trigger altered states of consciousness. I think this reveals why Ive so dedicated my life to creating and presenting these explorations into sacred geometry through all of these images. I feel my souls goal has been to help whoever feels like me a fundamental imperative, a drive or wish to awaken enlighten empower remember and transcend. I think by including the use of sacred geometry in my quiver of tools to assist my souls goal this time thru life I was hoping to accelerate the process of our collective reawakening and soul remembrance by short circuiting or making an end run around our story. But what Ive learned is that is only possible when one is already willing to let go and remain unattached to ones story whatever it happens to be. This remaining unattached to our story part is what takes the most vigilance until ones brain chemistry is in synch with any new beneficial patterning, otherwise any giant leaps will remain baby steps or even two steps back one forward. To some it may appear pointless or even arrogant for someone to attempt to undertake such a grandiose or trivial scheme to change the world for the better forever. And I have to agree. And from my experience its gonna take way more than arrogance to accomplish the mission. A while back someone was relating a list of attributes some famous person said were necessary to be considered a real man. The only one I recall was should be able to plan an invasion. I think Im realizing and revealing some of my souls invasion plans. Foist more sacred geometry images on the world... And as my partner in Xonscious Pilots artists group Ryan Mitchell would say,...thatll scramble some brainz... :)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 21:15:20 +0000

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