This is the crazy lady that is allowed (because of freedom of - TopicsExpress


This is the crazy lady that is allowed (because of freedom of speech) to demonstrate on UTC campus. She calls what she does as crusading and preaching but my daughter actually took a video of her last.outburst on campus last week and showed it to me. I was flabbergasted when I seen her shouting hate slurs at students and belittling them but when I heard her tell a group of.students that they will only have their bulldogs to screw because they will never find another human being that wants to sleep with them I was appalled! A young student went to jail that day because he was defending his rights however she was surrounded by Hamilton county police and campus police so she would be protected while screaming these profanities at them! Tell me something isnt wrong with this picture? ! If you dare to waste any of your time on her slanderous site you will see how in her post that days she states how pleased she is with the outcome of that day and that it was a successful day and that a dude went to jail within the first 16minutes of her.outrageous mentally charged antics! If this is how Im supposed to act and witnesses to others as a Christian, then I need to rethink my salvation! In all sincerity, please keep this sick woman in your prayers and pray that she gets the psychological help she.needs. maybe when she becomes mentally stable then she can find real salvation. In the meantime, something needs to change at UTC! Our kids should not have to be disrupted while trying to get their education by a disturbed woman screaming hate slurs and distorted views at them and then handcuffed and taken to jail from the college they pay to attend while she is protected by the police! Pass along and share if you agree that this is unacceptable and something needs to be done about allowing the mentally ill walking the streets and not getting the help they so desperately need!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:01:11 +0000

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