This is the every so often posting of a condensed version of the - TopicsExpress


This is the every so often posting of a condensed version of the rules. Complete rules can be found at cleanfunnypics/rules RULES:* 1) B) NO “FIRST” POSTS - You may or may not get a warning, just depends on my mood. Repeat offenders will be banned. ANY NOTATION OR INDICATION OF LOCATION OF A COMMENT COUNTS AS A FIRST POST. (Q. What is a first? A. Tree( NO SWEAR WORDS AND/OR FOUL LANGUAGE IN THE COMMENTS. No grawlixes allowed either. (Q. What is a grawlix? A. ) Forth) NO NAME CALLING OR BLATANT INSULTING. 99% of the time, these type comments are hidden and cannot be seen by anyone but the person who left the comment and their poor unfortunate friends. So, it’s kind of pointless. Do it and you will be banned. Boron) NO “YOU CALL THAT CLEAN?” COMMENTS. I posted it, obviously I call it clean. 2³) NO SPAM AND CHAIN LETTER TYPE COMMENTS. These result in immediate banning. VII) NO ADS FOR YOUR PAGE OR A FRIENDS PAGE. Do not post links to your page, or any page, asking people to like your page. You wouldnt walk up to a complete stranger in the mall and ask them to tell people to like you - so dont do it on the net either. Repeat offenders will be banned. If you want to get followers to your page, you have to do it the hard way, like the rest of us. It takes time, doesn’t happen overnight, and repeated requests like that become an annoyance turning people off to your page. *Clean* Funny Pics does not do cross promotion with any page or pages on Facebook except for their own pages or the pages of people the personally know. The one time we decided to go ahead and do it, the page ended up using and profiting from us. Nien) CORRECT GRAMMAR AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you are a Hyper-Corrector/Grammar Snotzie/Grammar Cop etc – You have been put on notice. Hyper-correctors are not welcome here – unless they refrain from hyper-correcting. Hyper-correct and you may get banned.The hyper-correctors seem to have taken over the asylum and we’re tired of the abuse. We are here – FREE of charge – providing you with a service. We would like you to provide us with less abuse and a little more respect. If you feel the need to correct something – don’t. If you do, you may get a warning, you may get banned. It’s a crap shoot depending on my mood, so correct at your own risk. (Please note, commenting that you want to correct or that you are resisting the urge to correct, or similar is the same thing as a correction and will get you banned.) If you’d like to complain, please submit a complaint to i-dont-like-rules-i-dont-want-to-follow@getoverit Yes, yes, yes - I know it seems like I made some typos or mistakes. I said ‘blob’, misspelled several words and I am aware that 2³ is 8, not 6. These aren’t mistakes. Theyre very much intentional as they weed out the quick to correct, slow to read. Lead) Regarding things offensive… Guns, pictures of guns, hunting and the like are NOT OFFENSIVE. These types of pictures are also NOT political. If you find them offensive or think they’re political – you won’t like this page. If you leave a comment that brings political into it – I will reply and you will have successfully turned it political. But, I didn’t do that – you did. Elevendy) Notice to animal rights activists- If you’re an animal rights activist and you see something you feel is abuse, email me your concerns. I can assure you, no animals are truly being harmed in any of these photos. A woman (me) who got up every 2 hours a night to feed baby rats and gerbils because their mother had too many in the litter, and during the day carried around those same babies in her bra to keep them warm and near a heartbeat, so they would be comforted and not die, is not a woman who abuses animals. Accuse me of animal abuse and you will be banned. Period. If you don’t like these rules or don’t think you can follow them, you have two choices. Leave or (V ಠ_ಠ)> Get. Out. (Most places only offer you one choice. I’m offering two. You should be grateful…) If you feel you’ve been banned and would like to be re-instated, send an email to submissions@cleanfunnypics and plead your case. It’s best if you not get banned because Facebook doesn’t allow me to search through the banned list and that often makes people hard to find.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 00:08:36 +0000

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