This is the features article, I referred to earlier written by my - TopicsExpress


This is the features article, I referred to earlier written by my egbon Seye Adetunmbi sometime ago. Its a bit long but seem to capture some of the trend in Nigerias ploitical landscape. Enjoy reading! POLITICS OF VESTED INTEREST: THE ALBATROSS OF PROGRESS IN NIGERIA - Seye Adetunmbi to mark 9th year anniversary of Ekitipanupo, an indigenous intellectual round-table on March 7, 2014 There was a time in Nigeria when focused and hard working class parents could get basic things of life for their wards in terms of good education, adequate medical care, befitting accommodation or decent living generally without stealing with impunity to the extent of causing distress for the majority of the masses. I call it dignifying subsistence existence or modest living standard for the majority of Nigerians of old who worked and earned a living. Those who wanted something higher than this then went into trading, private businesses, private professional practices and government contracts. Others tarry to get to the top of corporations and become senior civil servants and by virtue of extra privileges that come with high public office positions they became more well off than the majority. This was the time honorable people volunteered predominantly to serve or get involved in activism not strictly for the motive of attracting government patronage but essentially for the good of the society. But what do we have these days? Integrated socio-economic situations of the majority have fallen below nominal living. A thinning out middle class, an elitist status that cant be sustained through fundamental hard work, the majority are getting poorer, infrastructures that served the majority which made basic wage manageable then are no longer measuring up to the basic tolerable standard. What is so disturbing these days is the call from from various people at different quarters which one cannot afford or meet up or do something about because the person being reached out to for help is in the catch-22 situation and is earnestly seeking way out of his/her own predicament. Due to a failed system, the reality is that majority of Nigerians these days need one help or the other, big time for that matter to meet basic responsibilities as parents and attend to civic duties as Nigerians. CHANGE: Change has become inevitable for the Nigerians to get out of the national quandary. Change that will appeal and affect the lot of the majority positively is indeed the way forward for Nigeria. Unequivocally, pro-masses change is it, it is the only way out that can endure! Anything short of this May not stop an untoward revolution when it will come. How the change may happen and the form it may take I dont know; yet it is inexorable if things continue like this. FIXING NIGERIA: Fixing Nigeria is not likely to happen under the present opposition political party if at all they will ever make it to the center, considering their composition, motive and the system on ground. It is out of it to start comparing APC and PDP because the former is yet to be tested at the national level and the fact remains that the new political party contraption is dominated by PDP elements who have failed the nation where they are coming from. Solving Nigeria problems by positioning it in the door steps of PDP and APC is like building a typical high rise structure in the Manhattan of New York on an Ibadan standard 2-floor building foundation! It cant fly. Those who have contributed to the sorry state of Nigeria through integrated corrupt vested interests should not be entrusted with the solving of the national menace. Thus, fixing Nigeria is not about the current gang-up in the form of political party merger or injury-time political alliance. ARTICLES A Seminal Square Developing an Enduring Good Governance Policy in Ekiti And The Heathens Raged The Predicament of the Governed in Nigeria What I saw at Ifaki During 2007 Senatorial Election Wine Tasting and Integrated Encounter in Cape Town Delayed Gratification Virtue: Dr Ayo Ajayi Madiba Okorobo Festival: Tourists Delight Servant of the Lord Well: Mrs V Onafowokan Ifaki Day 2006 Redefining the Giving Spirit: Dayo Adetunmbi MKO The Last Awoist: Chief Bola Ige It is a Matter of Will If I were my People The Humbling Verdict The Dilemma of Choosing Role Models Dr Tai Solarin The Challenge of Electing Servant Leaders Sincerely speaking, fixing Nigeria is not a political party thing in the way they are constituted for now. Also when the time is up for the desired change, where team members come from would be secondary. What will top the priority of consideration is who can do the job or deliver result. It is only the Nigerians who can call the bluff of the vested interests that threaten the progress of Nigeria that will bail the nation out of the degenerated state. When things work properly and the interest of the majority is taken care of, where cabinet members come from will be inconsequential. One remembers the rich man who asked the Rabbi; how to make heaven and Jesus said: give out all you have and follow me. Definitely not those who ate their cake and still want to have it that will lead the change; neither those who bite us and blow cool air on the pain would solve the problem of Nigeria. It is very doubtful. Surely, Nigerians can fix Nigeria if only a system could evolve that will reduce or eliminate pretenders posing as messiahs of all shades at all tiers of government from having access to the political power. The injury-time politicking and tactics of the said new or self-styled progressives is nothing but about face saving. There is so much deception in the air. In the past, regional politics was the bargaining chip for the center. It came down to ethnicity, when Yoruba, Ibo etc lead politicians used their people to negotiate for a fair share of the national cake. The key players in those times were predominantly honourable. Now it has crashed to narrow vested interests of individuals and small cliques forging alliances to sustain fraud, deceit and unending chancing of the majority. It is sad that the majority of the politicians and public officials managing our affairs represent nobody but themselves, their families and cronies. How far this injustice, in the shade of economic apartheid and self-serving political rat race in the mold of the despicable racial segregation, will last; time shall tell. NATIONAL CONFAB: I find it very difficult to see reason with, or comprehend any sense in those working against the national conference. The way forward with all humility is for Nigerians to take advantage of the forthcoming national conference. If we miss this opportunity to get it right, then we are back to the status-quo/square one irrespective of whoever succeeds President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ) because the fundamental structures that facilitate setback which protect few at the expense of the majority would still be on the ground. If the genuine concern of those who are sincerely against the confab is that they can’t trust the convener, then collectively take-up the task of ensuring that the national conference deliberation is structured to suit the purpose of the majority. You can only achieve this if you are part of the preparations and not by condemning it upfront. One size cannot fit all in a multicultural and multi-ethnic Nigeria made up of different nationalities. This is why the national confab structure for instance and those who will participate go beyond party politics. When Nigerians deliberate on party politics of superiority or when the politicians tend to present their political party as better than the others at partisan level it is different from when the citizens come together at the community square to rub minds as Ekiti or Yoruba, Ibo, Gambari or Nigeria at large. In the case of the political party contest, it is about the vested interest of a clique while in the case of the national conference, it is about the bigger picture. The cheering news now is that state governments in the south west dominated by the opposition ruling party have put forward their first eleven to represent them at the national confab. Kudos to the state governors and bravo to GEJ who continues to enjoy the status of perhaps the luckiest head of the federal government in the history of Nigeria so far. His baptismal name is GOODLUCK indeed OPPOSITION: The recent alliance is not rooted in the fundamentals of genuine progressive politics but to meet the political exigency of the lead politicians that constitute the new party, APC. If two out of the initial seven PDP Governors backed out at the point of merging, then more shocks await the polity considering that a week in partisan politics is a long time to spring surprises not to talk of a presidential election that is one year away. As a matter of fact, some of them in the House of Representatives retraced their path back to PDP and this has reversed the perceived majority caused by the said alliance/merger of opposing political parties. This leads me to my inference of calling APC, the PDP Renewal Group. We all admit that PDP carries a virus and by association APC has contracted it. The party has more PDP inclined elements than the old ACN members. This has buttressed the political reality that we need ourselves (the good, the bad and the ugly) to move Nigeria forward. In essence we are in a season of going back to the drawing board. The political party leaders have played regional and national partisan politics to their personal benefits which has resulted to a consolidated various political families and huge business empires. For each group to be relevant politically as a going concern, fixing Nigeria becomes imperative which is what the current alliance should be all about. This development in principle is good. Ojo ti were ba ti mo ara oun ko ya, ilera ti de ni yen. This is not the time to play high horse politics of we are better than the other group or our group means well more than the others. Meanwhile the self-proclaimed messiah group is made up of people who contributed to the ruins. It doesnt add up. One was more comfortable with the old ACN but the current APC, I give them this acronym, PDP-RG and call them PDP Renewal Group until Im convinced that they will do things differently from the ruling PDP. GEJ and 2015: The more I look at the manoeuvres of APC the more I see the play-out of the Samson in the Bible! Whatever is left of the old PDP, they will likely use the last power and political machinery at their disposal to deal with APC at the elections in 2015. Instead of APC having their way, the forces behind PDP will use the last joker, my thinking. This does not mean that one is against a positive change or approves of any means of achieving the continuity of an uninspiring ruling national party, yet PDP having their way is a possibility and it is the reality! EKITI JUNE 2014: Just as it was tough to unseat the incumbent Iroko in Akure then, same is bound to happen in Ekiti, lets face the reality. More so, we are talking about a team that diligently fought a good fight to reclaim mandate. If they will be overrun by opposition, it is not going to be due to forget body or carelessness but an actual case of the electorate really voting them out for whatever motive or warped reasons but not that the tested administration has not had a good outing enough to earn a 2nd Term. Based on the political setting on ground, the best time to change this team or camp or baton or this group in Ekiti if or when deemed necessary, is 2018. This is why one continues to see any serious contender now as working for 2018 than thinking about winning. However, there is no crime in trying now; it is the beauty of democracy. Nigeria is a country of anything goes, some people may not give up until it is truly over. Lets wish everyone well while urging all the contestants to leave any act of despicable or infamy desperation out of their schemes. Make it one man, one vote in the most peaceful and unprecedented manner in Ekiti. Lets reassure the world that Ekiti people intuitively are decent and naturally God fearing. More importantly, lets make the difference for once and prove that we can hold a peaceful election all other things being equal and under normal circumstances. In all, well-meaning Ekiti people must be vigilant and watch with prayers such that in the end we will be able to live together in harmony after June 21, 2014. EKITIPANUPO: We may not be there yet, albeit the initiative and revolution is on course! As the exemplar electorates parliament and multi-partys parliament; nine years down the line as at March 7, 2014, we have kept the faith of still standing in the commendable spirit of Serving, Harmonizing, Networking, Thinking and Adding Value. One distinction of the preeminent Ekiti peoples parliament is the fact that when elections are lost or the state assembly is dominated by one political party, a window of opportunity is there to effectively and responsibly critique the government of the day by the governed. Perhaps this is why a school of thought sees Ekitipanupo as an enduring source of pride to Ekiti people all over the world for providing an alternative kind of government for them. This statement of Akaraogigun Wale Adeoye, the Seriki Geesi Ekitipanupo on the 8th anniversary of Ekitipanupo captures the essence of the all-inclusive platform. QUOTE Ekitipanupo has grown from a dream to a reality. Its so wonderful to learn new things here every day.....A forum where echoes from the valley are heard by those on top of the mountain and those atop share their fears and aspirations with the feet-dwellers.....It rekindled hope and brought together ties once severed and cords that never existed have been created and nurtured. It has given us opportunities that the best newspaper, radio or TV in the world can ever provide....Brought the lowly and the mighty into a common fold. ..It has created the best multi-party parliament where everyone sits and holds the mace and even the ace as equals; where everyone is a Speaker at the same time a floor member. Through this network, tears have been wiped away from trapped souls in far away Libya and locals in the recesses of our homesteads have seen gains and great changes never imagined, through a mere click of the button......It is a web of inestimable value. UNQUOTE Apparently, Ekitipanupo is the universal set for all other Ekiti socio-cultural and political groups with over 1,600 subscribers and increasing active assembly members as a going concern. Virtually majority of the people of substance in the other groups are members of Ekitipanupo. The few that were either excused or voluntarily walked out, some of them have come back while others use proxy to be part of deliberation in the forum. Ekitipanupo is a microcosm of Ekiti State in that practically all the 130+ Ekiti towns and villages are represented in the forum. If you win your advocacy within the Ekitipanupo fold, it is a positive signal of what the field portends. The e-portal provides feedback mechanism from the electorate who may not have access to radio, television, newspapers but through their representatives in the e-forum, their complaints are heard. Therefore, Ekitipanupo is in deeds and in truth, the authentic representative forum for Ekiti people home and abroad. God willing, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary in 2015 with a value adding fanfare while we shall continue to see how we can improve on the model for other states in Nigeria to emulate. And hopefully one day, Yorubapanupo, an amalgamation of similar integrated forums of the constituent states in the western region will become a reality. YORUBAPANUPO: Matters of a common heritage such as an ethnic group (Ekiti) or a nation (Yoruba) in modern times require carrying all constituencies along as much as possible such that no one feels ostracized. Let people opt out based on personal choices, not because the structure and approach from the onset has deliberately alienated some people. It is imperative for all the concerned to realize the fact that there is so much distrust in the air among all camps. Mutual respect is no longer there among the Yoruba politicians who are the arrow heads of various political groups. The truth is that, Yoruba elite of repute continue to critically look at the predilections of the leaders of the current prevailing ruling party in the south west states as well as those who believe in them and associate with or acknowledge only that which can advance the Yoruba cause while alienating anti-progress schemes and the uncomplimentary political intrigues. Any productive socio-political group that operates as an annex of a political party cannot dabble into political superiority statement over other groups as the anointed main voice of Yoruba nation. It is incomprehensible that any Yoruba political group will castigate any politician for complicity in the death of Chief Bola Ige for instance and the same group will see nothing wrong in romancing the Godfather whose tenure made the fellow to thrive politically. Likewise the front line politicians who had their beginning in the same camp before pitching their tent with rival political parties, it is unethical to claim better perspective over them. After all you believed in one another until irreconcilable aspirations and personal interest caused parting ways. Those so inclined should drop this kind of attitude. Issues fundamental to our common heritage should not be degraded or sacrificed at the expense of larger interests for narrow personal trip. It may amount to self deceit if the south west APC leaders for instance think that they can sustain for long the loyalty of the chieftains of their political party in the south west states. After all the relationship then with the core Afenifere didnt endure. The leadership that would earn the respect of kinsmen and Nigerians generally is a challenge considering the system on ground. The solitary leader people will defer to would not be because of political entrepreneurial motives, but see a lasting honourable character that can be trusted in such person. Until an alternative all-encompassing group is provided, the old guard Afenifere remains the most credible Yoruba ambassadors in the present day Nigeria. The day the leadership of the erstwhile ACN camp reconciles with the core Afenifere Group from which they have benefited from politically would mark a new political dawn in Nigeria. In fact it is then one may overlook biases or reservations and celebrate their leadership for the good job done by championing the fight against Pindinpin in the south west which made it possible to deliver our people from the hands of tulasi elements. The center that the true progressives need by scheming to drive away the wrong hands may be easier accomplished if the core Yoruba political groups reconcile and perfect their strategy. It is the major thing that worked against Awo from realising his dream, ile la ti keso rode! Remember the adage of a house that is divided and osusu owo (broom) the symbol of APC; it sweeps better as a bunch. If these chieftains of ACN could be part of the delegation to Chief Obasanjo, this is the quarter that have done and said worst things to the Owu chief in the political history of Nigeria, then I cant see why it should be difficult for this political sect to appease the respected core Afenifere and we all work together in the spirit of reconciliation. Perhaps the common understanding reached on the delegation to the confab may end up resolving past differences politically. The main thrust of my message is that we should desist from placing any socio-political group over the other in the present Nigerian setting. Romans 12:3. This is my advocacy too in Ekitipanupo. The value any politician that wants to make the difference in our region can add now is to reconcile the old guards with the new ones who are so eager to be celebrated and would go to any length to discredit one another. Let the core Yoruba political groups understand their differences, reconcile it and agree on how to work together not with an unyielding mindset that my group must be the deliverer. Otherwise, we are back to square one. The good thing is that Yoruba know their leaders and definitely not the politicians behind APC in the way it is presently constituted. They cannot claim to be serving the Yoruba interest to the best of my knowledge through the reading the situation on the ground. Most of our people who are in the defunct ACN camp that talk tough on behalf of their leaders seem to be acquainted with only one side of the arrow head. Let them watch their back otherwise they will be dancing apiri by the time they look back, the man has made a detour. The good thing anyway is that his devotees will dance panlogo back to catch up with him and rationalize the move. Nothing spoilt after all. If Chief Obasanjo didnt talk about the tactical nocturnal trip to GEJ, how many of the political watchers knew about it? The man didnt deny it but went with the APC chieftains to hail Obasanjo in Abeokuta. The respected Yoruba leaders that may not touch their group with a long pole. This makes it imperative for reconciliation to become inevitable for any group to lay claim to being the face of the Yoruba nation, if only the wannabes know how to go about it. Had it been that someone has said that the navigation skill of Obasanjo will be explored by the ACN camp in the middle of 2013, the person would have been said to be talking theory. There we are! Once you have got a monkey on your back, it will always hunt you. If there is anything the camp needs like yesterday it is the acceptance of the core Afenifere group and the respected Yoruba elite; certainly not the already captured people in their camp and those who benefit from the political scheming of the clique. Have we heard any hard stance on the National conference from their camp after the early reactions? Plan B of the grand-master has manifested! It takes a discerning mind to know/read/see these things as well as non-pretenders while those who are innocently ignorant about the intrigues can be pardoned or sympathized with. LEADERSHIP: Let me start with the Jews and Jesus Christ. When the Pilate asked them to choose between Barnabas and Jesus, the Jews chose the deadly robber! The man with political power yielded to the wish of the majority of the masses he governed. This underscores the fact that the real democratic power belongs to the people or rests with the electorate and the people in government are representatives of the people for a season. When Chief Obasanjo was in power, did majority of his people accept him as their leader? NO, not to talk of now that he is out of office, yet he was the national political head! Also when PDP overran south west, did the majority of the people in the long run accept the tulasi governors then as their leaders? NO! Yet they were the political leader of their respective states while it lasted. The message here is that, equating a transient political power to an enduring leadership of an ethnic group or race may be out of order. Sadauna of Sokoto was the leader of the Northerners and not the Tafawa Balewa the Prime Minister who deferred to him. When Papa Ajasin provided the leadership Yoruba people needed during the military era, he was not in government. Likewise Pa Adesanya until the democratic political dispensation set-in. As a matter of fact, the strong influence and goodwill of those selfless Babas constituted what the wannabe leaders of today exploited to gain political power before they contributed to destroying the very legacy of structured leadership for Yoruba people. The implication of this is that, the craved exalted position of honor among the majority of people of substance in their region which money cannot buy would elude them until things are done properly by retracing their steps. In essence, the desired leadership now is not about the one induced with money, ill-gotten one for that matter or loyalty born from political appointment or political patronage or a prevailing political party power in a region or nation. The leader the masses need now is the one that will attract the majority of well-meaning people beyond political party setting or partisan leanings. The one that can naturally command respect of the elite of repute and can be trusted to represent larger interests and not that of any self serving political clan. There is no perfect mortal leader, yet a distinction can be earned without scoring 100%. Also the true leader of people doesnt expire with leaving a political office. A leader earns the trust of the flock through good deeds and not that when you occupy a political position; you automatically become revered leader of your constituency. Nevertheless, the bottom line of my message is that true leadership of the people doesnt expire when such person lives public office or has no direct political power. Also because you occupy a political office does not make you the leader of your people if you dont do things or have the character that will earn you their leadership. Essentially, political party leadership and earned leadership of a community, an ethnic group or a nation are two different things entirely. In other words, you may not necessarily be in government before people look up to you as their leader. Lets get it right by defining who the leaders are appropriately. The prevalent reality in Nigeria of today that we have is political party leaders and not the true leaders of their people. Be it in the north, south, west or East, the situation is the same. Perhaps when politics in Nigeria is about the masses or the system favors the majority and it is not about the pockets of the few or a clique in government through an enduring policies that will make life more abundant for the masses, then the era of solitary leadership that will appeal to the majority of people in every applicable constituency may come back. My advocacy is that for now let’s call them political party leaders or interest groups dealers and not leaders of their people. Until we cross the road to the right clime, lets keep an open mind in the search for those who will lead Yoruba nation in truth while we make do with the political power tenured representatives we have now. If only the politicians in charge now could play the right cards and reduce the friction amongst the leaders of the political factions. Settling for a generally acceptable solitary leader would be easier to attain if the interest of the masses override narrow ones in Nigeria. PUBLIC SERVICE IN NIGERIA: The political terrain has witnessed so many inconsistencies from 1970s to-date to place anyone or put any group or individual on higher moral pedestal over others may amount to fraud.. Awon oloselu ti jelu kan ra won; at one time or the other. The regroup and gang up, it is not on moral standing and not in the interest of the masses any longer; it is predominantly about narrow interests. This indeed is what is playing out with the APC and PDP now. CONCLUSION: Majority of the current crop of Nigerian politicians have erred by virtue of their falling short of expectation. The nation cannot continue along this line of daylight robbery of the poor masses through despicable/infamy deception and expect Nigeria to be respected among the committee of nations or expect the governed to appreciate those managing their affairs. To avert a bloody revolution, the form which it will take, no one can predict and those the tsunami will destroy cannot be determined. The power must change hands from the small clique of pretenders ruling Nigeria to the masses. Football fans loyalty approach to their team in the stadium is strongly recommended to whip the political representatives to order. When a club side or national team plays below expectation, the loyalty of the supporters change instantly right there at the stadium, they boo their team and cheer the opponent. If the Nigerian electorate can imbibe this practice and apply it to the ruling class, perhaps our politicians would sit up by giving back adequately to the teeming masses that the political power truly belongs to and definitely not their transitory representative status. “Omo wa ni, e je ko se” syndrome is good, but this can only be sustained if our ward does the right thing by performing to expectation. Considering the nature of Nigerian neo-colonial political leaders who like to steal the nation blind and yet desire to be celebrated, when the masses barrack the rogue politicians or jeer at them with ignominy, then it will be dawn on the pretenders that the game is up. It will create opportunity for Nigerians who will truly serve the interest of the masses to take charge. Thus, the advocacy is that, let there be a paradigm shift to the masses as the priority of the governing class in Nigeria in the true sense of it. It is high time the prevailing current oselu apa pin i.e. politics of narrow vested interest was rested for Nigeria to progress. Enough of a system that facilitates unchecked appropriation with impunity of the commonwealth by the privileged few. A departure from this apa pin syndrome is the way forward to transit Nigeria to where it should belong after 52 years, post-independence.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 10:43:35 +0000

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