This is the fifteenth post on “Why do we need a Guru”. We are - TopicsExpress


This is the fifteenth post on “Why do we need a Guru”. We are reflecting on the mystic essence. It seems that most of the religions surviving today were originally mystic schools started by a perfect Master but when in the course of time true and practical mystics disappeared, the spiritual practice was discontinued. The reason was that the mystical practice appears difficult, dull and mechanical in the beginning as one has to fight the mind, such practices cannot be performed successfully without the guidance of perfect Master. A living Master is the life and soul of the institution. The existence and efficacy of a spiritual practice depends on the presence and effectiveness of the mystic and it the mystic who makes a mystic school. Therefore, when line or chain of true mystics come to an end, then that school ceases to be mystic; it becomes a common religion open to misuse by its followers. The founders of almost all religions were perfect Masters, but now true and perfect Masters are extremely rare among our religious preachers and leaders. Instead of the inward ascent of the soul to higher regions and worship of the living God in His transcendent form on subtle spiritual planes, people have taken to outward rites and ceremonies. When along with real mystics, the mystic practice disappears, what remains in the school is mere theory. At that time the followers of that school base their faith not on their personal transcendent realization and transport, as the original perfect Masters did and advised their followers to do so, but on the writings of their past Masters. For tenets of their belief, they depend entirely on book and tradition. This dependence on books leaves religion at the mercy of individual interpretation, which involves difference, discussion and discord. Words half reveal and half conceal the ideas they are meant to convey, for we cannot help looking at them with our prejudiced mind and our past experiences. And when our past experience contains nothing of mystic realization and transport, we remain at a loss to understand mystic phraseology. Can a layman understand religious books? No! Without the help and guidance of a perfect living Master, a layperson can hardly make out the real meaning of mystic books. This, we require a living Guru, not only for inner spiritual mystic realization but even for understanding the writing of earlier mystics. Just as a layperson cannot understand advanced books on any science as they are written in technical language, similarly the uninitiated seeker cannot understand books of mysticism, for there also we have technical phraseology. For intellectual understanding as well as for inner spiritual realization, mystic adept is essential. Which is best mystical practice that leads us to Almighty Lord? There are several mystical practices in the world, all of which aim at unraveling the mysteries of the universe, but none is perfect except the Shabd Yoga (also called as Path of the Holy Word, Logos, Holy Ghost by Christians Saints; Path of real Qalma, Bange-Aasmani, Sultan-ul-Azakar, Sawa-I Sarmadi by Muslim Saints; Sahaj Yoga, Anahat Naad, Ram-Naam by Hindu Saints; Hukum, Ajapa-Jaap, Akath-Katha by Sikh Gurus; Ahura-Mazda by Jews; Tao by Chinese Saints), the practice of listening to the holy sound current of the Holy Word, which takes us to very final stage of reality. What the rishis, munis and hath-yogis of old schools through long and arduous practices extending over long times achieved, the same could be achieved in few months or at the maximum few years, unnecessarily straining and torturing the physical frame. Moreover, the rishis even then could not reach the highest plane, which is our true home. Holy Word has a natural affinity for the soul and soul can easily ride the sound current emanating from the Holy Word, and is a straight road to God; other practices do not take us to the ultimate spiritual realm as their vehicle is not purely spiritual so stops in intermediate regions. Holy Word is a purely spiritual power, and consequently it can provide access into purely spiritual regions. Saint Kabir says: On the earth and in the heaven, much confusion Has arisen from these two, O Kabir; The six schools (of Hindu philosophy) are in doubt, As also are the eighty-four siddhas (perfected beings). (Kabir Samgara, P. 307:11) Each of six schools of philosophy looks at reality from its own angle of vision, and its view is therefore one-sided. Moreover, it is not free from the color of Maya (illusion) or phenomena. Similarly, the three gods of Hinduism are in delusion and egoism. Guru Ram Das says: ब्रहमा बिसनु महादेउ त्रै गुण रोगी विचि हउमै कार कमाई ॥ जिनि कीए तिसहि न चेतहि बपुड़े हरि गुरमुखि सोझी पाई ॥२॥ हउमै रोगि सभु जगतु बिआपिआ तिन कउ जनम मरण दुखु भारी ॥ Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva suffer from the disease of the three gunas - the three qualities; they do their deeds in egotism. The poor gods do not remember the One who created them; this understanding of the Lord is only obtained by those who become Gurmukh (disciples of perfect masters). The entire world is afflicted by the disease of egotism. They suffer the terrible pains of birth and death. Even the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu could reach the absolute Lord. Guru Arjun Dev says: The ten incarnations of Vishnu who lived here as kings, And Shiva, when he incarnated as ascetic And kept his body smeared with ashes – Even they could not know Thy transcendent being. (Guru Arjun Dev, SGGS P.747) दस अउतार राजे होइ वरते महादेव अउधूता ॥ तिन्ह भी अंतु न पाइओ तेरा लाइ थके बिभूता ॥३॥ There were ten regal incarnations of Vishnu; and then there was Shiva, the renunciate. He did not find Your limits either, although he grew weary of smearing his body with ashes. ||3|| The ten incarnations are not incarnations of the final stage, fifth spiritual region (Satlok, Muqame-Haq, Land of Holy Word), which is our true home. They have come from second stage of materio-spiritual region, the land of Brahma or the land of “OM”. Brahm is at the top of the materio-spiritual creation of second region but does not have access to have purely spiritual planes. He is not the final God or our true Father. In next post we will discuss about the Holy Word.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:49:37 +0000

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