This is the first chapter in its final form. I went back through - TopicsExpress


This is the first chapter in its final form. I went back through and edited for the final draft. The first I sent was written in about twenty minutes and with no idea what my lead-in would contain. It will be a collection of my writings in a fictitious setting. Panning for the Precious ~ by ~ Joe Lindsey The light would leave soon. The autumn had turned his world to gold. Gold and yellow seem to prevail above lesser colors in the fall before the snows of the Pacific Northwest. Tamaracks and Quaking Aspens framed the sun as he looked west. His eyes were tired and heavy as he gazed down the leaf strewn path by the stream. There were two young men approaching at a pace he could only vaguely recall due to his many encounters with gravity, horses and just plain bad luck. He thought back to his early days prospecting. He was a little younger than the pair that approached now when he first tried his hand at panning. “Hey old timer!” they mused “There’s no gold in this steam! It’s all been panned out!” He knew what they were trying to tell him. The years had washed most of the precious yellow nuggets far downstream. And what wasn’t washed away was covered up. “I’m fine! How are you two young, brilliant, respectful men?” They were thrown off balance by the now looming figure of a man that stood before them. When he was on his knees reaching into the water with his pan, he looked older and smaller than the healthy, sparkly-eyed specimen he actually was. “Uh … we’re O.K., I guess. But, what we’re trying to tell you sir, is that the studies and surveys have shown that there’s nothing of any value left in this muddy stream.” “Well, kids … I have a gut feelin’ about this particular area. You see … I have been doing this for many years and I’ve developed a kinda sixth sense about where to find things of value.” “How so?” They were now moving toward a log that had been worn shiny by the seats of travelers of ages past. Feigning an interest in what the old relic had to say was a good enough excuse for a break from hiking. “Well sir, gold and really anything precious isn’t as hard to find if it isn’t obsessed upon or made more than it is. When we assign value to a thing and pursue it, we are doing a noble thing. BUT, if we assign so much value that we can’t eat or sleep until we’ve obtained it, we fall into error and strife. How many times have you wanted something so bad you thought you’d surely die without it?” Silence from the log. “Ahhh … raw nerve, huh? There may not be any gold here at all. It may have been moved by whatever means, but I have a feeling I won’t come up empty handed.” Few words need to be spoken if they hold the truth. With a little rest and some food now in their bellies, the two decided to move on to their intended destination. To a place in which the geological surveys had ascribed deposits of precious metals-mostly gold. (praying to find help in publishing and producing)~Joe Lindsey
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:01:40 +0000

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