This is the first covenant between Children of Israel and The - TopicsExpress


This is the first covenant between Children of Israel and The Almighty God. Just compare this verse with their actual activities around earth as of today and you decide yourself who are criminals and terrorist? Infact in this Quran chapter 2, Al-Baqara(The Cow), if you read verse no 40 onwards then you will know many things about what Israelites did against Gods commands. Still they preaches good things and do evils only. Moreover theyre working with Firons decedents whom one of his bloodline will terrorized someday against every believer by a tyrant called Antichrist or Dajjal in Arabic. What a pityfull community you Jews are, God gave you a grate privilege for you all to lead and become great nations in the world but end up serving devil with Shaitans agents and remains in lurking and plotting against others instead of serving them whole heartily in open on Gods behalf. And with such mischievous attitudes youre even trying to inter Holy land of Almighty- Temple Mount in Jerusalem now!!! Have you been truthful to your Lords commands then Almighty would have been retained you all in his Holy site until today (as per the covenant), wont He? Its you who broke the covenant and God expelled you people from his Holly Site after giving you (formidably) several chances to rectify yourself but you people caricatured to God even towards his repeated forgiveness for themselves (you over smart idiots) Remember what God said to King Solomon “if this the attitudes of you people towards me I will throw you all out of my temple for you people are unworthy to call as my people who brings only discourage and anger to me (by your deeds). But I wont do it atleast during your lifetimes as I love you and your father (King David) who built this temple. And only my true faithful people will dwelt in this temple here after in future, hence Temple Mount fell to Babylon after King Solomons demise and Israelites were exiled to Babylon kingdom, stories went on until they were last exiled by Romans from the same land they were forgiven their sins brought back to the same land by Almighty, even then they took it granted Gods forgiveness and start treating it as business card and repeat the same mischiefs but this time God already decreed that Israelites can no longer claim Jerusalem and His Temple as their right and wont forgive their sins too here after for they have gone out of limit (to forgive) So they have no right in Gods kingdom to claim for anything since its Gods choice not to allow them to be in his place because they perpetually disobeyed Gods commands and the covenants which God kept between them. And after that they lost their kingdom for their unforgiven sins against God. Muslims came there as per The Almighty Gods promise, “My land will be dwelt by My true faithful believers Thank God Muslims are not as hypocrites as Jews in reality. Even Christian doesnt come closer to Muslims when you compare its follower with their faith and dedication level towards respective books they each got. Only Muslims preserves true Gods commandments and rest follows concocted books prepared by evil designers, if Im wrong then you explain atleast how you Christians are sub divided into countless denominations with each having different dogmas while proclaiming the followers of true one God on the other side!!?? Thats why Muslims are attacked everywhere now to break its mighty foundation of faith but paradox of Muslims becomes clearer and stronger day by day, as they attack many attracts Islam from the fact it reveals which was in wrong perception by many; so as long as people using real sense with justice Muslims will stand stronger than before. Even illegitimate creation of Israel and its subsequent invasion Palestinian territories are prophesized but its fully owned by ineffective Muslims leaders, they still affiliate to this Devils factory where every global crime and conflicts are being designed & manufactured-UN. And the stupid people accept it easily as their Lollipop trophies when it rolls out without thinking its consequences deeply, ultimately they themselves suffers most due to their stupidity anyway. I wrote it as I found relevant to comment as per the current crisis and unacceptable peoples behaviour towards Muslims. I say its you yourself who is digging your own grave if you criticise Muslim and Islam unjustly. A great example is standing before us and they are in open concentration camp ultimately for their unjustified deeds before - Americans! Do you want to know how todays Americans are just like in concentration camps of NAZIs during WWII? Maybe on some other day, its another long story. But one simple thing you simply have to accept it is you American were unjustified in supporting their every mischiefs to others at the Israelis behest, right? Now you start protesting against them when you feel the heat of very justice you ignored is popped up before you, right? Let the justice prevail the rest of all.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 09:38:36 +0000

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