This is the greatest country on the planet, but there are groups - TopicsExpress


This is the greatest country on the planet, but there are groups of people who undermine its greatness. Rioting, crime, lying, promoting degradation of our society and trying to strip away the value of self discipline. All we need to do as a society, as individuals, is practice self discipline and only use what we need, not try and fulfill everything we want at the expense of what we need by stealing from our future generations and cheating others for more self gain with no concern about paying for it ourselves. We are losing our greatness that came from good honest hard work and sharing each others burdens through volunteer work, work we give freely with no expectation of payment in return. But, we are still so blessed with so much more than so many other countries. We have stores that are replenished with groceries in which we go to keep ourselves fed. We have working transportation infrastructures that we use to go to job that exchange money for our time and skills, in which we use to buy the food from those convenient grocery stores that we can drive to and transport our new bought groceries to our strong protective homes, homes that protect us from the elements, those who would do us harm, and if managed properly, they would protect us from the bad influences of the darker side of society that would try to convince us that we would be much better off if we would simply rid ourselves of all these blessings mentioned above. I love my country and feel sorrow for every chip that is taken out of its stable foundation, a foundation, that if managed properly by both our elected officials and our citizens, can not be matched by any other entity on this planet. I am very grateful I am here, aside from all the problems we have socially, and would rather be here than in the middle east where I would be forced to believe in a religion I dont choose to believe in out of fear of death. No matter what is said about how bad this country is, it is better than anywhere else on earth.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:42:06 +0000

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