This is the hard reality the non prepper needs to understand: - TopicsExpress


This is the hard reality the non prepper needs to understand: Without power the water company cannot get water to their faucets. Without water dehydration occurs within 24 hours. Dehydration causes much suffering before death. Toilets in homes, unless they have an incineration toilet that still need power to work, don’t flush without water. Where will they go to the bathroom and then where will they dispose of human waste? There will be no clean water available anywhere, especially in major cities, and they cannot live more than about three days without it. Drinking dirty and polluted water will make them incredibly sick and accelerate the dehydration process. Polluted water must be purified and that means having a good filter, bleach or other disinfectant, or fuel and something to boil water with. Understand just how fragile the power and the infrastructure is that pumps water to the public. A breakdown in our power infrastructure or a cyber attack against utility systems will render them useless. A single event can rapidly lead to a cascade of other events that would certainly collapse almost, if not, everything. This is why major snow storms, hurricanes or solar events in the past have affected millions of people in an entire region all at once. A single, seemingly unimportant event may become quite terrible as its repercussions spread; this can include a far and away disaster. Understand that the economies of the world are so interwoven that when one major economy falls it affects everyone. Not having any food in the house means that if the stores are emptied suddenly in a bad enough situation that there will be no food available for a long period of time afterward. Recent history during disasters around the world has shown that stores can literally be emptied in minutes. Think about how totally horrible the feeling of being very hungry is and what circumstances would cause one to be desperate enough to eat anything. ALL stores can be closed instantly under martial law. Understand that you may not be able to purchase anything after it starts, especially with any credit cards. Understand the complexity of food and water distribution; breaks in these chains can stop anything from getting to the people. What life will be like if no toilet paper is stored? Understand that without light sources, the night will be pitch black, often with zero visibility. There will be no communications, other than probably martial law type of instructions over the radio, that is if they have batteries for the radio. Other than ham and shortwave radio, any information that is available will be sent out by the government as filtered propaganda that “they” want everyone to hear. Without power consider what it will be like to not have any heat to stay warm, or air conditioned air to stay cooler – with no way of alleviating the situation. Travelling will likely be by foot or bicycle, as their will be no fuel and roadways may be blocked. Realize that ANY travel outside of the home or neighborhood will be extremely dangerous as ANYONE who moves becomes a target Non preppers will be pushed way beyond their limit because of lack of supplies. The non prepper must realize their government does not really care about them individually, that they are a mere number and help will likely not come from them. They have to figure out somewhere to get food. This can mean wild plants which they must know how to identify as safe, or risk poisoning themselves. They have to understand that when we refer to “having no food” it doesn’t mean not having the food they are used to enjoying, it means no food to eat at all. They have to understand that if they are fortunate enough to have any running water, they will probably have to bathe in cold water for lack of stored fuel to heat water. They have to realize that the very strange and totally unexpected is going to be all around them, made that much worse because of lack of any reliable self defense stores or skills. They might have to remain on the run constantly because of looking for water and food. They must understand that bad will be magnified magnitudes to living misery because of lack of food, water, and other necessary items that they took for granted for so long. Okay, now comes the “truly ugly and unthinkable” life that most, if not all, people that have failed and refused to prepare themselves will deal with. Clear vivid visualization is key here for anyone that ho hums the idea of prepping.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 01:28:17 +0000

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