This is the harsh reality of the population control in China where - TopicsExpress


This is the harsh reality of the population control in China where the welfare of the economy is prioritised over the welfare of the people. They justify the implementation of their decades long policy based upon capitalistic means rather than any concerns over the livelihood of the people. Millions of babies have been affected, many have died and many families feel they have no choice but to comply with the one child a family policy introduced in 1979. These people dont even have the option to account their ruler for fear of transgression and breaking the man-made laws. According to a report released by Oxfam last week, the worlds 100 richest people earned enough money last year to end world extreme poverty four times over. Western and Eastern capitalist economies have clearly failed to match high economic growth with economic justice for their people. Where are these rich people?! They are accountable for every life affected by their continuous greed for excess wealth! Under the Khilafah system wealth would be distributed from the rich to the poor accordingly so that the basic needs of every individual is met and poverty would be eradicated. Under the Khilafah system a citizen can account the ruler for injustices afflicted on them and a great example of this is the story of Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra). A woman once took him to court placing a claim against him. Umar (ra) was the caliph at this time... the Amir ul-mumineen... However, under the implementation of Allahs laws civilians had the right to account him for any injustices they felt needed to be addressed. This is the doctrine of Islam.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 08:07:21 +0000

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