This is the kind of letter that makes it all worth while: I - TopicsExpress


This is the kind of letter that makes it all worth while: I just wanted to write you and say thank you. I have had a lot of people come up in my life as mentors and as teachers, whether they know it or not, and I have learned something very different from each of them. And I think one of the most important things, as a musician, as a performer, and more importantly as a professional, is self-awareness. And I learned that from you. I find people asking me questions now all the time, and as I try to talk them through the questions they are asking and the answers they want to hear (and don’t get to hear), I am made even more painfully aware of the fact that most people do not understand what it is to look at one’s art objectively, and really understand what needs to be done to attain whatever goal they are after. I didn’t understand myself, and still have a lot to learn, but I understand what you said to me when I wasn’t aware. I understand why you said it to me, and I know what you meant now when you did, and what I was lacking/misunderstanding/stubborn about. And I became a better musician, performer, and professional because of it. It’s a crucial lesson as a human, yeah, but even more so in this business. I really appreciate what I have learned from you. More than most other lessons I have learned, bc it makes decision-making so much clearer and genuine. And it helps me keep my feelings separate from the goals that I am trying to achieve. It’s hard bc a lot of our work IS our heart, but in the day to day grind of it all, it is so very important to be able to step back and say, “Okay, what’s really happening here. What are they seeing and hearing. What am I putting out. Is it actually what i think it is, and if I need to change it in order to make it work, am I willing to do it?” I know you come in contact with thousands and thousands of people. I know you help open so many people to different, beautiful avenues of their lives, and you help them achieve beautiful things and they become bigger and better for it. And I don’t know how often you are told about these small lessons that turn into huge lessons for people. So I am telling you now, and thanking you so very much for it. I am so grateful to you for the chances you’ve helped me take advantage of, and for the roads you’ve shown me, and for the pieces of the person I am today that make me bigger and better, bc you had a huge hand in it all for me personally. And if you didn’t know before, now you do.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:45:22 +0000

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