This is the letter of Xavi Hernandez Luis Aragones in remembrance - TopicsExpress


This is the letter of Xavi Hernandez Luis Aragones in remembrance of Luis Aragones that this Sunday publishes the newspaper El Pais . ( Translation by Google with some amendments ) You can read the original either at El Pais or El Mundo Deportivo Youre not Japanese , you understand what I mean . He told me one night. I m seeing him in the hotel room and I know I ll miss him a lot. Luis Aragones Because I loved him . And I talked a lot with Luis . I knew he was not fine , but I never thought it had something so serious that it was coming so soon, so fast this way. Im fine , Im fine , He said when I asked . Occasionally spoke to him , because for me ever since the day I met him, he was an absolute reference. I guess its the coach with the most hours I have spent talking about football . Went up to the room and talked hours, sometimes like thats the key , Xavi, know what we want to play , always raise the importance of the good in the field and how important it was not to be afraid anyone, any team , much more than run . You and I know that the ball runs more than them. And that we played better than them , he said . Louis have the best memories of a talk , a meeting in the halls, an appearance in the dining room, because he would always leave you something . And he was always right , always. Luis was straight , would always tell you on your face, looked at you in training, he approached you and said : You are a cheeky bugger, you came to train but havent seen you. I do not like buggers! . And it was . Luis never cheated , he wouldtell you in your face . You didnt play because you played crap this week , Are you tired , or what? , Today has been fantastic this week youre going to embroider . Do you think I suck my fingerand that Im an asshole ? That was Luis , close , really. The other day I remembered a story about the first time he called me for the national team . I was not called the first call and in September, upon arrival , I was waiting. What were you thinking ?That the old bastard was not going to call you, eh ? . And I freaked out , I said : No , no, I never thought something like that mister . And he, pure Luis, said, Yes , yes, yes , you aint fooling me . Come up and well talk . And we talked that day and a thousand hours. Luis is critical in my career and in the history of La Roja. Without him , nothing would have been the same , impossible. It all started with him, because he gathered the small , Iniesta , Cazorla, Cesc, Silva , Villa ... Luis made the revolution, we changed the fury for the ball and he showed the world that you can win playing well. If we do not win the Euro we had not won the World Cup , of course in that sense , the arrival of Del Bosque was critical , another phenomenon. Luis was given a lot of stick but was he who led the way , who gave Spain the style it has today. In that, always agree . It was Luis who saw what was decided and prettily . Ill put the good ones, because they are so good they re going to win the European Championship . And we won. It was clever and very brave. Personally, Luis made me feel important when my self-esteem was a mess. He gave me the command of the selection when I was not leading at the club . He decided I was going to lead Spain , and I they want to criticize me theyre more than welcome to do so. He decided to restore my confidence in the field . If I was elected the best player of Euro it was because of him, although he always denied that . He had unforgettable details. In Germany I did not get there in perfect shape , but he waited for me . He came to see me in Barcelona, worried about my knee. Luis called me every few minutes . Come on Xavi , dont be lazy ,Im waiting for you !! . The word football in the dictionary would have to have a photo of Luis next to it . Luis is football made human , football made person . So long, mister . And thanks for everything . And who knows : you and I were never Japanese .
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:19:48 +0000

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