This is the lil spinal bifida baby that you have been sending me - TopicsExpress


This is the lil spinal bifida baby that you have been sending me medication for (you know who you are and God bless you), she is full grown now. She is on the back of my couch. She has amazing upper leg and rear leg strength her spine is what makes her wobble. She does not jump well at all. Joe called it pogo go sticking down the hall when he startled her. She goes straight up, her spine and rear legs do about a 90 degree twist from the top of her body, then she falls. I do not like to see her fall but she is more ok with it than me. She is my inspiration she plays with my chi, falls, yea, but gets back up shakes it off and lives to pounce again. Thank you for all your prayers, love and support for this baby. Remember when she was just typed words on your daily read about a lil blind, feral kittie that could not walk? I love her little nub tail .. Purrs and much love from Wobble, Jeanne, Sherry and the dictator ♥ ♥
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 14:00:15 +0000

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