This is the most important post message I have ever posted. A bit - TopicsExpress


This is the most important post message I have ever posted. A bit longish, but take your time and read it. The Titanic was presumed to be the largest, safest and strongest luxury ship before it embarked on its disastrous maiden voyage in April 1912. Some of you think The Titanic is just a movie, but it is a true story. The ship left Southampton here in the UK on the 15th of April that year heading to New York. All kinds of people were welcomed aboard for its first voyage, the rich, the famous, the elite, women, children, families and staff of the ship were all happy to be on board. It was deemed impossible for the ship to sink under any circumstances. This was one of the greatest tragedies of all time. After it sank, 2 lists were presented at the offices of The White Star Company (The company which built the Titanic). The list was simple. It had only 2 sections THE LOST and THE SAVED. People came to read these lists to find out if their loved ones had survived. Interestingly. before the journey so many things were important. Whether they were millionaires or peasants, stockbrokers or not, whether they were in first class or economy class, whether they were women, men or even children did not matter. Whether they were staff members on the ship or passengers no body cared any more. Only one thing mattered..Saved or Lost? Folks we can play with something else but this is how Eternity will be. A time will come when none of the things we have on this earth will matter. A time will come when being a man or a woman, rich or poor, educated or not will not matter. What will matter is whether you are Saved or Lost on the day you die and meet your creator. Very scary I know! But dont panic, its not too late. Give your life to Jesus as soon as today. If you already have, live for Him. I am not asking you to go to church, that is different. I am asking you to stay prepared and in whatever you do, be on the right side because He said He will come like a thief!(Matthew 24 Verse 36-44) You and me know very well what a thief does, no one knows when a thief strikes, he may come when you are sleeping at night, or watching that football match at the stadium, or when you are at that Music Show. God bless Zimbabwe! God bless Africa!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:51:00 +0000

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