This is the most you can do with your body in the golf swing. If - TopicsExpress


This is the most you can do with your body in the golf swing. If you dont start this way bye, shoulder |ˈSHōldər| noun 1 the upper joint of the human arm and the part of the body between this and the neck. • (in quadrupeds) the joint of the upper forelimb and the adjacent part of the back. • the part of a bird or insect at which the wing is attached. • (shoulders) the upper part of the back and arms: a tall youth with broad shoulders. • (shoulders) the human shoulders regarded as bearing responsibility or hardship or providing strength: all accounts place the blame squarely on his shoulders. 2 a part of something resembling a shoulder in shape, position, or function: the shoulder of a pulley. • a point at which a steep slope descends from a plateau or highland area: the shoulder of the hill sloped down. 3 a paved strip alongside a road for stopping on in an emergency. verb 1 [ with obj. ] put (something heavy) over ones shoulder or shoulders to carry: we shouldered our crippling backpacks and set off slowly up the hill. • take on (a burden or responsibility): she shouldered the blame for the incident. 2 [ with obj. ] push (someone or something) out of ones way with ones shoulder.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:54:55 +0000

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