This is the nation that we are building. One person (who granted - TopicsExpress


This is the nation that we are building. One person (who granted did do something noble in helping the Africans) is inconvenienced. That person then sues and get the support of their liberal counterparts on social media and we are all enflamed with rage! Lets consider for a moment a worst case scenario. What if we misjudge the moment of contagion? What if Miss Hickox then begins to throw up in a public place, or a taxi cab, or gets a fever on an airplane to Cleveland? Now possibly hundreds of people need to be quarantined. All because one refused to be. Do those people have a case to sue Miss Hickox? What about the cost to the taxi cab company that has to stop the use of its car? Can they sue her for lost income? Should frontier be able to sue for lost income and expense to take its plane out of the sky and pay to have it cleaned by hazmat teams? Law many times comes down to the notion of the reasonable person. Would a reasonable person do this. I consider myself a fairly reasonable person. To protect my loved ones, my co-workers, strangers on the street, i would gladly sit in a tent and watch netflix for three weeks if it meant that others could have the peace of mind that they were safe. Kaci you are an extraordinary person for going to West Africa and lending your expertise to the fight of this horrible disease at its most dangerous. Please be as extraordinary upon your turn when it comes to our safety, our money, and our peace of mind.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:05:29 +0000

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