This is the next of my 10 lists of 10s, in advance of the US - TopicsExpress


This is the next of my 10 lists of 10s, in advance of the US publication of Want You Dead. This week in the UK Want You Dead will be published in paperback (Oct 23) and we are only a fortnight from the UK publication of the hardback of A Twist Of The Knife – my first ever volume of short stories. My list this week is ten really nice Amazon reviews of Want You Dead. But don’t always judge a book by its stars…. If you look at the bottom two, they are wonderful reviews but they only gave the book one star! I’m assuming the key pressed too hastily…. Have any of you ever pushed a wrong button for a review or, anything else? A friend of mine who worked on a nuclear sub in the US once turned the reactor valve the wrong way when the pressure got too high, during a high-ranking inspection, and caused the Admiral of the US Fleet to run for his life! Want you dead, 2 Sep 2014 This is the 10th book from the Roy Grace series and I have enjoyed every single one of them they all have 5 stars from me and I hope there will be more with Roy Grace in. A big thank you to Peter James. I cannot put his books down and will read them all again!!! Another unputtable down book by Mr. James, 29 Aug 2014 Once again Mr. James has come up with a book I simply could not leave alone. Do not want to give away the plot, but all the twists and turns, gruesome scenes, to say nothing of dear Sandys appearance, make this another Roy Grace winner. Want You Dead. Go and buy this book immediately. Mr. James I salute you. And please hurry and get the next one out, I hate cliffhangers... Could not put it down, thrilling till the end, 26 Aug 2014 This book had so much going on, that you had to get to the end, once finished wished there was more. Brilliant again, 25 Aug 2014 Once again a brilliant novel, possibly my second favourite of the series (the first still remains the best in my eyes). A pity we have to wait a year each time for the next one. Well done PJ. Brilliant. Peter James does it again, 24 Aug 2014 I had saved this for my holiday and it didnt disappoint. I am a slow reader but managed this in two days as I just couldnt put it down. I am now living in torment as I know there isnt another one out there waiting for me. I discovered Peter James a couple of years ago and have slowly worked my way through them so this is the first time I have been waiting for the next one come out. Peter James is the master of crime fiction. First class, 22 Aug 2014 Once again a first class read, Peter James does really do a edge of the seat thriller, each time he puts pen to paper. Cant wait for the next Roy Grace novel, dont make it to long. They are so believable, and his research into his books are so factual. Superb, 21 Aug 2014 Best ever Roy Grace novel. Utterly addictive. The story line is hugely compelling and James ability to keep things moving quickly while ensuring you get to know the characters is excellent. This is NOT a book to start reading if you have somewhere to be or intend to get an early night. Could not put it down. Once again Peter James surpassed himself, another superb novel ..., 20 Aug 2014 Once again Peter James surpassed himself, another superb novel in the Grace series. Could not put it down and do so hope there will be another one. Brilliant. Fantastic Peter James as always, 17 Aug 2014 Fantastic Peter James as always. Gripping from the very first page. Wanted to read it slowly and savour every moment but also wanted to race through the pages to the end! Unmissable, 10 Aug 2014 Before i start reading i always apologise to my wife as im about to spend 2-3 days engrossed in this amazing book. Another amazing gripping story! Outstanding edge of your seat read, 2 Jun 2014 This books an absolute stormer and worth every penny of day of publication price. Thanks to Kindle and 3g, the latest offering from Peter James arrived just after midnight. I couldnt resist a peek; big mistake, despite being tired, I was totally immersed for a couple of hours in what, I believe, is one of the best plot lines so far in the Grace series. A timely look at Internet dating and stalking. One of the strengths of these books is the development of the main characters. But each may be read as a standalone too. Roy Grace is settled with a second wife and new baby. The question of Sandy, his former wife, has arisen consistently and this book is no exception. But is the mystery solved? Im not giving any clues on that one! Grace is a solid and likeable individual. Intelligent, compassionate and occasionally troubled. Im enjoying the way, as readers, we move forward with him. We share lifes ups and downs and the demands of leading a Serious Crime team and striking the right work/life balance. Theres been a promotion within his team and its good to see the chemistry between individuals still at play. These stories work particularly well as strong, well rounded police procedurals full of the challenges, pressures and tensions of major crime policing. Theres a real sense of urgency as the chapters mark off dates and time. The narrative is explored from a number of viewpoints; police, victims and offender. I love the way the reader is often one step ahead of Grace. We know what Bryce intends to do and I was willing Grace to make the right connections in time! The pace is absolutely relentless. Peter James is also a master at exploring the deviant psyche. Its almost uncomfortable at times, interpreting the world and seeing victims through the eyes and mind of Bryce, a stalker bent on revenge and retribution. Hes a man whose moral compass is in free fall following rejection. Being exposed to his rationale and thought process is unsettling; his normal is way out of comfort zone and incredibly chilling. But thats because he works so well as a character. With both depth and dimension, his horrific plans to mete out his form of justice to achieve salvation are brutal but plausible. And the fear experienced by others is almost palpable. Then the relief when the threats over only to be followed by another twist...he took me every step of the way! Its a stunning psychological thriller, taut and full of the unexpected. The tension builds and builds to bursting point. Its a compelling and truly frightening study of the nature of obsession and the effects on victims and their family. It works well in every way and at every level and I loved it. 1 star From first to last page a very good read, 21 Aug 2014 Wonderful read from start to finish, more please. 1 star Brilliant!, 6 July 2014 I always finish these books feeling that I cant possibly wait another year to find out what happens in the on going Roy and Sandy saga. Brilliant villain, excellent story, its great to read such elitist crime fiction. A request, can you write faster please Peter?
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:56:19 +0000

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