This is the one person in my life I know will never switch out on - TopicsExpress


This is the one person in my life I know will never switch out on me....she says what is real and does not sugar coat....we may fight n argue but it literally last like 30 minutes.....and we are right back to being the true definition of best friends.....she does not judge me she does not look down on me....she encourages me to be the best person I can be and it is being in her presence that makes me want to do better. Thats the thing about people these days they will have the biggest opinion about u and your life but give no incentive on how to progress....but I was fortunate enough to find her.....the God momma to my babies....the sister to fight with....the mom to disagree with....the mentor to lecture me and debate with....I have a strong woman on my with this intelligent woman....Jesus... and my is right for me...a bit distorted and broken up at the moment....but I do not see what is now in the moment I see what is guaranteed to come. I was blessed to be wise (not all the time) but in situations where it is necessary I choose my words wisely and actions are taken cautiously....and just a note to those who I KNOW think they have plotted against me and are winning baby your not IM just waiting on my plan for my future is flawless my research is crucial and my mind set is rock hard.....u cant win....I got a power team n God does not like ugly....remember that: ) thats all IM saying.... And on that note....I love u Defane Terry.(holy crap it let me tag u! ) mwuahahahahaa IM baaaaackk tehehehee (insider) and even if no one else got u....I matter what ur my solid foundation to my life building: ) with me on the bottom my boys in the middle n Jesus on top....I feel indestructible: ) P.s. if this post makes u feel any type of way and u are none of the above mentioned I can solemnly swear to give 0 fuxx: )
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:31:07 +0000

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