This is the original Fox News interview that the people of - TopicsExpress


This is the original Fox News interview that the people of Birmingham have been mocking with their #foxfacts Twitter campaign. The interview is totally insane! It claims that Europe has numerous islamic no go zones that the countries do not police and are ruled by sharia law. He said that in England it is even worse with entire cities like Birmingham under the contol of an islamic government and police force. Since Birmingham is mostly protestant, the people of that city have been having a field day! I am used to Fox lies having some grain of truth that has been twisted beyond recognition, like the spread of sharia courts in England. Such courts do in fact exist, but they are not what Fox presents them to be. They are arbitration courts for lawsuits in which both parties have agreed to take their cases instead of the regular courts. Much like both parties can agre to the rulings of Judge Judy. But the have no jurisdiction in criminal matters or when any party to the lawsuit objects. They can not issue arrest warrants, and are no threat to anybody who doesnt choose to use them. The no go zone is completely different. Rather than twisting and exagerating facts, they completely made up this story out of whole cloth in order to further convince their viewers that they are being threatend by a wave of islam sweeping the western world. Their are no such zones, and Birmingham is primarily protestant. I highly recommend watching this 4 minute interview for its entertainment value. The man is a total nut case! I especially enjoyed watching the expressions of the woamn interviewing him, who must be the most guillable newscaster on television. https://youtube/watch?v=-_zF7nbEvwY&feature=player_embedded
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:53:34 +0000

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