This is the original opening of Alacaster Academy... Evelyn - TopicsExpress


This is the original opening of Alacaster Academy... Evelyn and Sadie walked out of class, completely oblivious to the fact that that their Witch, Kristopher Alacaster, was lagging behind. Kris tapped his papers on the surface of the desk. Each paper lined up perfectly. He carefully slid them into a sleek black folder. He looked up. Deka was lagging behind as well. She was a new student, a Wiccan actually. A Wiccan without a Witch. She had long, brunette hair with spiked bangs that fell in front of her blood red eyes. A turquoise headband with brown circles sat on the back of her head like a sort of crown. She wore a tight, black, open-backed corset and equally tight purple jeans. A tight black band was wrapped around her left hand. Her feet were bare. “Can I help you?” she asked. “Excuse me?” Kris said. “You’re staring, Kris.” Kris bit his lip and turned back to his papers. Deka leaned on her arm and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, watching Kris’s obsessive tendencies. She walked up next to Kris with her arms folded across her chest. “Umm…Deka…?” Kris said after a moment. Deka smirked. Kris took a small step to the right, trying to keep his eyes down. “De-” “You’re a rather straight forward person, right?” Deka cut in. Kris stared at her. “I would say so.” “Good,” Deka continued. “Then I have a question for you. And I want an honest answer.” Kris nodded. “What do the other students think about me?” “I…I beg your pardon?” “It’s a simple question. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Kris swallowed. He clutched his folder tightly. What is wrong with you? he yelled at himself, You are an Alacaster! She wouldn’t be able to lay a finger on you! He put down his folder and let out a calm breath. “The other students think you are a Demon.” Deka cocked her head to one side. Her face was curious and a spark glinted behind her eyes. “Okay then. Now what do you think?” “Think of what?” “Of me. Duh.” Kris kept his composure. “I agree with them.” Deka unfolded her arms slowly. Her expression blank. Kris returned the blank stare. Deka’s lip twitched. She burst out laughing and Kris’s expression turned to confusion. “Ahahahaha! Haha! Haaa… you really had me going for a moment there,” she said after a moment. She shook bangs out of her eyes. Deka slowly walked towards Kris, Kris backed up. His back hit the desk and he suddenly felt like a cornered animal. “Now be honest. For real this time.” Deka put her hands on the desk Kris was backed into, blocking both sides of him. “Well…I-I think you have…a beautiful…face?” Kris stammered. You coward… Kris felt his body back onto the desk. Deka crawled onto the desk with him, her legs straddled Kris’s waist, and she put a finger under his chin. “I think there’s more to that…” Kris couldn’t respond. His limbs felt like jelly, he felt heat rising on his face, his heart pounded in his ears. His eyes suddenly widened as he felt cool lips press against his. She…kissed me? No…she’s kiss-ING me. This is bad right? Kris stared at Deka’s face, so close to his. No. No it’s good. Kris relaxed. He laid down completely and wrapped his fingers around Deka’s slender arms. His hands slid up over her shoulders, across her bare back, and wrapped his arms around her neck. Deka’s hands slid onto Kris’s chest and gripped his shirt tight. “KRIS!!! WHAT THE HELL!?!?!” Kris and Deka pulled apart quick as rabbits and whipped their heads around to face the door. Evelyn and Sadie stood in the doorway. Evelyn’s jaw hung to the ground and Sadie’s eyes were like giant saucer plates. Kris could feel his face growing hotter with every second. “Oh…uh… L-Evelyn! Sadie!” Kris stammered. He sat up with Deka’s legs still wrapped around his waist. “What’s up…?” “WHAT’S UP!?” Evelyn screamed. Kris and Deka jumped off the desk and stood stiff as boards. Sadie giggled in her usual, chipper way. Evelyn on the other hand, was not chipper. “We walk in on… on that! And all you can say is ‘What’s up’!!” “We weren’t doing anything wrong,” Deka said with a coy smirk. Evelyn’s eye twitched. She marched up to Kris, grabbed his wrist, and dragged him out of the classroom door. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing! Evelyn!” Kris shouted in protest as they left the room. Evelyn let go of Kris’s wrist and glared at him. “Explain…” she growled. “There is nothing to explain.” “There damn well is!” Evelyn grabbed Kris’s shoulders. He refused to look her in the eyes. “You kissed her! Don’t you know what she is?” “A Wiccan student at the Alacaster Academy is what she is.” Evelyn huffed. “No I mean what everyone says about her? She’s more than that! She’s a Demon!” Kris finally turned to look at Evelyn. “Where’s your proof?” “Proof?” “If Deka really is a Demon, I want proof of it. Hard. Conclusive. Facts.” Evelyn had nothing. Kris shrugged off her grip, slid his hands into his pocket and walked to the door. “We’re leaving,” he said coldly. “Now.” “’Kay!” Sadie bubbled. She ran and caught up with her Witch. Evelyn followed behind at a slow pace. Back in the classroom, Deka picked up her things, prepared to go home, when she saw something on a nearby desk. She walked over. Kris’s folder. She smiled. That moron left his stuff. She slid it in with her things. Guess I’ll go return it.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:23:32 +0000

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