This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with - TopicsExpress


This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play. - Alan Watts Weve been a little quiet here of late. The past two weeks have been the most intensive period of transition, clearing, and healing in some time, and weve been holding space more or less all day every day. This has often led to three or four mandala builds daily, both indoors and outdoors, including one particular morning which we document below (we wrote up that report well over a week ago but had been too busy in service and ceremony to actually get around to posting it, until now!). Through the crystalline tools used in ceremony, weve found that weve been working alot more Archangels and Ascended Masters during this phase. Below you will see a selection of the crystal mandalas created for them. Some interesting Spirit Guides also came through while we were holding space, so we honored them afterwards by creating gratitude mandalas created from photographs of the crystals they manifested through. Information on these mandalas is at the end of the post. Enjoy! In Love Stone Mad :: Forest play. We spent the morning out in the woods, walking with the dogs in the rain. There really is nothing like the smell of woods in the damp or how vibrant the colors are when wet, especially at this time of year. Being from Ireland, rain is never something that bothers me - I see it as the perfect opportunity to dress up like something out of Willy Wonkas chocolate factory and wear my polka dot rain poncho and the pastel pink wellingtons I picked up in France last year (they didnt have any other color in my shoe size, but theyre daft and I enjoy them now!). The area we were walking happens to be adjacent to a rehabilitation center for people recovering from extreme injuries sustained in accidents, and while we walked along the paths between the trees, we were inspired by how much thought was given to the patients and their needs. There were a number of features built along the paved pathways - little signs with information on various trees, birds, insects and areas to engage the passerby; a large installation created as a walking or visual meditation, an area with different tools to stimulate the senses (the wooden xylophone was our favorite!), wooden sculptures of dwarves, and more. It was heartwarming to know that people recovering from trauma have this facility. So, we stayed and spent four hours walking throughout the woods. Before we left we had built ten nature mandalas and prayer mounds along the paths, near sitting areas and in forest clearings along the way. We used crystals and foraged finds of autumnal leaves, berries, pine cones, moss, lichen, stones, twigs and whatever else we could find. It was a good morning, good service, and worth getting wet and mucky for. We dont have any mandala photos to offer you as we left the phone in the car on this occasion. However, we did take three photos when we got back to the car as something caught our eye at the start of the adventure. We walked past an Elderflower tree that had a hole in the trunk and went in for a closer look. Nestled above the hole in the tree trunk was a beautiful little shell, its perch delicately adorned with moss and lichen. It was incredibly cute. We would not have seen this were it not for the hole, curiosity, and stopping to take a little peek... We left earlier in the morning with the intention of walking the dogs in an area that was new to us. Most people would consider walking dogs in the rain to be work, but we certainly came out of it having experienced alot of play. We got to make a few mandalas that might gift a smile to a passing patient or two, and we got to see the little shell which reminded us of the benefits of stopping, really seeing what is around you, and appreciating the smaller things in life as we are eternally surrounded by such abundance. :: About our digital crystal mandalas: We create these digital mandalas for two reasons; many of the crystal grids and crystal mandalas we create are done so in ceremony. This ceremony is a private affair between those in attendance. And so as a way of protecting the integrity of the ceremony itself, and at the same time sharing it with the public, we took to making digital mandalas rather than publishing straight forward photographs of ceremonial gridwork/mandalas. Tuning into these mandalas enables us to return to the intent, and the power, of those ceremonies. The other reason we developed these mandalas is for practical reasons - as a way of making crystal grids we created and were working with, more mobile. By taking a photograph of the grid, and digitally folding it (like origami), the original grid is transformed into one image containing the energies of all crystals featured in the original crystal grid. This enables the energy to be mobile, which is alot easier than carrying around a complete crystal mandala whilst traveling. The perfect distance meditation tool which enables us to easily return to focus with a grid we are working with elsewhere. :: #crystalmandala #crystalhealing #mandala #crystals #gemstones #archangelmandala #ascendedmastersmandala #spiritguidemandala #courage #personalstrength #transition #clearing #lettinggo #trust #intuition #confidence #support #healing #makingwayforthenew #stonemad
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:53:43 +0000

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