This is the reality. Everyone should see they are using the - TopicsExpress


This is the reality. Everyone should see they are using the divide and conquer tactic. How can you not see it? This being done on purpose. The goal is mass civil unrest. The police arent bad people. They create the environment for things like this to happen. They have preprogrammed your reaction to eevents tthrough main stream media, tv shows, movies, music, reality tv, etc. People are going to be in for a serious wake up call soon. And with the DOW breaking 18000 with no justification for it and coincidently our national debt breaking 18 trillion, how can you not see it coming. It is going to be horrible. Just so happens we are going to experience a collapse of historic proportions. They keep people distracted with fluff and holidays and super bowls and movie awards and celebrity gossip. My only question is how do you not see it coming? I guess its a classic case of normalcy bias.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 03:09:19 +0000

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