This is the recent speech of Ambassador Prosor at the UN. It is - TopicsExpress


This is the recent speech of Ambassador Prosor at the UN. It is filled with moral clarity, and is deeply Prophetic. I commend to all of my friends. Why do I post so many posts about Israel on FB? Simply because I believe we are approaching the time of Christs second coming with increasing speed. Christ taught us that when he returns it will be a time of great joy for some, and a time of deep mourning for others. He will at that time reveal the deepest innermost thoughts and desires of every human heart, in every nation. It is my deepest belief that he has gathered Israel to her land again, not because the Jewish people are of themselves morally superior than the rest of the nations, but because he is a deeply faithful husband, a God who keeps covenant. But restoring Israel, he has brought her to the very centre of the worlds attention. He has done so at this very time in the worlds history, knowing full well that this would provoke the deepest emotional responses, either of love or of hate. The central importance of the Jewish people is the message that they carry. They have revealed the Creator God to us, they gave birth to Messiah, and it is a Hebrew Bible that we use every day. Jesus said quite simply Salvation is from the Jews. What did he mean by this remark? Quite simply that the revelation of Gods entire plan to save the world, has been given only through the Jewish people. They were and are the very centre of his purposes. Understanding this central truth, we realise that all the benefits we enjoy under the grace of the New Covenant, have come through the Jewish people. It is therefore fitting and right that we give them the honour that is due them, for the Lords sake. As we learn to correctly honour Israel, we learn to correctly honour the Lord himself. This is of profound importance to all of us at this time. when Jesus disciples asked him what would be the signs of the end times before his return, he opened his remarks with the simple statement do not be deceived. Deception is actually to believe something to be true, when it is actually false. The mark of our days is that we have abandoned the belief that such a thing as absolute truth exists. Each one of us tends to evaluate truth and error, right and wrong, based on our own internal guidance. That is not in itself wrong, but our internal guidance requires constant correction if it is to remain true. If we believe that we cannot be deceived, then we probably already are!! In 2008, when the Lord first began speaking to me about his purposes for Israel, I was deeply shocked, and for the next four years I went through an intense period of internal rewiring. My whole inner thought life, view of the Bible, the world, current affairs, and world history was profoundly reshaped to a new centre. The Jesus I had trusted in since 1976, became Yeshua, a JEWISH Jesus. I was not looking for this, and was profoundly surprised at how important that really is, for I saw for the first time how he loves not just the Church, his Bride, but how he married Israel at Sinai, and made her his wife forever. I came to see him for the first time not just as Lord of the Church, our heavenly Bridegroom, which he surely is, but I came to see him also as Israels deeply faithful and deeply passionate lover. Therefore the relationship between Israel and the Church is of profound and central importance in these days of great Chang throughout the world. Last year, my friend Oliver Manyemba gathered together a few of us who love Israel and Christian Watchmen over Zion was born. Next month in Wood Green, we are putting on our largest conference ever concerning Israel and the Church. Paul Wimbur is leading the worship, and we have outstanding speakers lined up. Most importantly, there will be many leaders from the Jewish community attending. In their own words, they have never seen anything like it happen in this country. This is not to belittle the long and patient work which organisations like CFI PFI CMJ and many others have put in for many years to prepare the ground. We stand on their shoulders. However, we are hoping that Christian Jewish relations will enter a new gear, strong enough to withstand the very turbulent days ahead. Come and join us in Wood Green. You will have a great deal worthwhile to consider, and we sincerely hope a great time of worship. Shalom! The Lords peace be in every part of your lives. C xx
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:17:33 +0000

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